Steven Hawking, yes that's right Steven Hawking put the epitaph on the long reign of philosophy as the number one talking point for snobs since the ancient Greeks. And longer ago than you might think:
Science may have progressed beyond philosophy, but can science ask why a human is. It can define why, but why does Hawking believe as he he puts it, that because ""Philosophers,have not kept up with modern developments in science. Particularly physics.".
Is quantum mechanics a required course to muse on the why of things? Perhaps for musing the philosophy of science one needs to be qualified [very likely], but does this translate to the transcendent and the mundane? Can science explain why a Google zeitgeist conference exists?
Is there an answer to the question why a human is? Does science have an answer? Is there even a question? If there is, it has no validity.
Is death a step towards**Barry-Gibb-20761655-1-402.jpg for philosophy or As Voltaire said[?] now is no time to be making enemies so philosophy should perhaps avoid the big questions before its expiration date and leave science to muse for us, or us to muse with science?