Adds dual-wielding options for every single-hand blade and blunt weapon in vanilla Oblivion. For every tier level (iron, steel, silver, etc.), there are now corresponding dual-wield options in the following combinations: Dual longswords, dual shortswords, dual daggers, dual maces, dual war axes, mainhand longsword offhand shortsword, and mainhand shortsword offhand dagger.
In addition, this mod also adds 18 unique Japanese-style dual-wielding weapon sets. There are presently two combinations available: Katana/Kodachi (which are longer samurai type swords), and Ninjato/Tanto, which is more a ninja-like set.
When not in combat, both main and off-hand weapons are sheathed at the character's side. The scabbards (or koshirae) can be seen when both weapons are sheathed, as well as empty when the weapons are active. Like most dual-wielding mods, the offhands function effectively as a shield, and have the appropriate collisions and physics associated with that role. Their stats are balanced to be equivalent to the same tier level, so an iron offhand weapon has nearly the same armor rating as an iron shield, etc. However, thanks to the scripting the offhand weapons will not be constantly equipped as a shield would be.
All can be purchased at the appropriate level from the vendor Indrich on the docks of the Imperial Waterfront District. He will always have exactly 12 of each item that would normally be available at your level (no more hoping for a lucky batch and waiting for the vendor respawns.)
Also, if you opt to use the default version, the weapons will also be added to the stock loot and vendor lists, so you will also find them randomly throughout the world (including on opponents in the arena), again at appropriate levels. This is highly recommended as it results in random enemies you encounter having (and using) the dual weapons as a set as well.
Note: I *highly* recommend using this with I also suggest using the same author's
If you use (also recommended), I suggest you build a Bain archive for Wrye Bash out of it, only before compressing the .rar file for installation replace the Deadly Reflex version of /meshes/characters/_male/dodgeleft.kf, dodgeright.kf, and dodgeforward.kf with the stock Oblivion versions (which are faster and more fluid). Ialso replace their version of dodgeback.kf with the one from the above Stylish Jump mod, to make sure your character uses that one as well (same reason.) Of course this is simply a matter of personal preference.
Copy the contents of the "standard install" folder to your Oblivion/Data directory. You can make a Wrye Bash/Bain archive out of this folder if you wish. This default version contains the main vendor Indrich at the Imperial Waterfront District who sells all the weapons at the appropriate level, and also adds them to the default vendor and loot lists, so others will also both sell and use them at random.
See the readme for details on optionally not adding the weapons to the loot lists, or if you want to switch the offhand daggers to reverse-style.
NOTE: Since I have only added items to and not changed any of the standard loot lists it should not be necessary to do any sort of list merging, though it is probably always a good idea to use something like Wrye Bash or OBMM to merge them anyway. I have tested this with FCOM without merging however, and both work together without conflicts.
This mod is fully compatible with companion/sharing mods. If you give one to your companions, they will be able to equip it naturally and enjoy the same aesthetic of the scabbards appearing at their side, and offhand weapon being appropriately sheathed when out of combat. Also, if any other character happens to encounter these weapons in the world (for example if you drop one while fighting the guards and someone else picks it up), they will be able to make use of them with the same dual-wield functionality.
All of the offhand weapons in each set are generated on the fly, in such a way as will not result in save bloating. You should only ever encounter the weapon component in vendor lists and in the world, so you don't have to keep track of both. In most scenarios when the weapons are not equipped and in use, the offhand is automatically removed. There is one exception however, when using companion sharing mods. If your companion has their dual weapons drawn when the player opens trade with them, their inventory will contain both the mainhand weapon and corresponding offhand shield item for that set.
If you simply take only the weapon, the offhand armor item will be automatically removed. Also, if you do take both items and end up with a random offhand armor item in your inventory, simply dropping it in the world will delete it. They aren't worth any gold.
This mod does not require OBSE.
Known Issues/Limitations:
Like most scripted weapons, standard enchanting will not work. Doing so will not likely break the scripts, however it will be reset as soon as you un-equip/re-equip the weapons. The best way to add an enchantment to a set you prefer is to open the mod in the CS, create your custom enchant, and then find the "out" version of the weapon you wish to enchant and add it there.
Also, no need to worry about repairs with these weapons, as un-equipping and re-equipping them will reset their durability value.
Credits for the original sword models and textures for the Japanese set. This mod is fully compatible, so you can still use the single and two-hand options from that mod simultaneously without any conflicts. The modeling for the dual scabbards was done by me, as well all the icons, scripts, and some tweaks to the texturing, however this mod was a great inspiration.
As for my work, I only ask for appropriate notification, a credit line, and a link to this page.