Also, with regard to the magicka drain. The values are actually derived by a calculation I worked out. For example, say an Apprentice creature costs 45 mana to cast, and lasts 40 seconds. Having a default mana drain of 45 wouldn’t quite make sense, as it would be costing that every second they were kept past their expiration, which in practice was too excessive and made it so sustained summoning was kind of pointless (you’d run out of mana too fast to make it worth it.)
I can’t remember the exact function I used but it was a balance between the base cost to cast that summon (taken from Oblivion’s default settings wherever applicable) divided by the default number of seconds the summon would normally last (also taken from vanilla), then multiplied by an amount relative the class (Apprentice, Journeyman, etc.). Sometimes its a little more, sometimes less, generally balanced to how powerful the summon in question.
Really, you have to experiment with the values to see for yourself. My best suggestion is to summon something with the default values unchanged, let it expire, then observe how severe the mana drain is for keeping that one creature alive. Then, if you find it is too severe a penalty for your liking, switch to the next level down:
set phiSustainMult to 0 - This sets the cost for sustaining summons to the default.
set phiSustainMult to 1 - This would reduce the sustained summon penalty by 25%.
set phiSustainMult to 2 - This would reduce the sustained summon penalty by 50%.
set phiSustainMult to 3 - This would reduce the sustained summon penalty by 75%.
set phiSustainMult to 4 - This eliminates the penalty altogether. (Persistent until killed/dispelled.)
set phiSustainMult to 5- Summons dispel as soon as the timer runs out (stock Oblivion behavior).
set phiSustainMult to (anything else) - Same as if set to 0.
None of these effects the initial cost to cast them however.
Also, setphinofade to 1 will prevent them from turning see-through when their timer expires. This is generally only useful when using phisustainmult at 4 (persistent) since otherwise it is helpful to have a visual cue when one of multiple summons is causing a magicka drain, so you can attempt to dispel only them.
Sommner42: I am actually unfamiliar with the COBL framework, however next version I’ll try and tuck these options into a sub-menu somewhere.