An advanced conjuration mod for Oblivion.
(Overhaul -FOR- SI, not of SI. Darn un-editable and misleading thread subtitle!)
I originally built this mod back in 2006. Recently I decided to redesign several features, which include the ability to tell summons to attack specific NPC's, allow targeting of friendlies or only hostiles by a global combat posture toggle, and also the ability to hotkey up to five summons at a time for quick access in a fight.
* Readme file updated, as I realized I'd been packaging the old version all this time. Descriptions added for all new menu commands.
Make sure you clean your save game of ANY older version before installing this one. Instructions in the readme, basically unload the old one and load your save, make a new save from it without the old mod loaded, then load this new one.)
See official forum thread below for more info.
What does it do?
Equipping the ring will add a new spell called "Master Summon" to your spell list. Casting this spell lets you choose from a list of creatures to summon. There is an Overworld and Underworld list, for "good" and "evil" creatures.
Not everything will be available at first. The lists both have sub-lists of different creatures for Apprentice, Journeyman, Expert, and Master conjuration levels. You can cast anything from the lists at your level and down. These menu's update dynamically and are calculated AFTER buffs, so if you fortify the heck out of your conjuration skill at level 1, you might be able to temporarily unlock the higher lists...
Summoned creatures will follow and defend you like regular summons. They will also follow you through doors, loading areas, portals, and into user-added zones. There are also additional options for commanding them to behave according to your preference:
Combat Posture: You can set the default behavior for how summons handle targeting things they should attack. You can choose either "Allow Friendly Targets" or "Only Target Hostiles." This setting is maintained indefinitely even if you dispel/re-summon, save/reload your game, etc., until you decide to change it. With Only Target Hostiles checked, which is the default, summons will not enter combat with friendly characters (i.e. guards), even if you tell them to. Also, if a friendly accidentally hits them in combat they will stop combat with them and seek a qualifying hostile target.
Favorites List: "Define Hotkeys" option added to the summon menu. Basically this lets you select a summon as you normally would, only instead of summoning it will add this selection as a separate spell. All the same limits as to the number that can be summoned per conjuration level, as well as durations and magic penalties remain the same. You can keep up to five favorites in "memory," and using the same "Define Hotkeys" menu to select a creature already added as a separate spell will remove it. You can still use the main spell and menus to command them, or summon other things you don't have memorized.
*Added in v2.13: There is now an option to "Clear Memory" of all active hotkey summons. You can still remove them one at a time but this is much faster than trying to remember which menus they were from.
Targeting Spell: Equipping the ring now adds a second spell which allows you to target a specific character for summons to attack. The effect is not hostile and can be used at a distance, reaching the target instantly.
If summons are already in combat they will quit attacking their current target and switch to the one hit by the spell. The AOE targeting system is still used to check for any nearby valid targets after exiting combat with a friendly (if combat posture is set to "Only Target Hostiles").
Other Features:
Summons always appear a specific number of game units in front of the player, so pointing your cursor and casting a summon could tell it where to materialize (including the other side of walls, prison doors, etc.)
Each summon has their own activation menu, with options to "Hold Position" (stay where they are), "Follow Me," and "Dispel," as well as an option that allows you to start combat from any of your minions that are within activation range (for use underwater or when the target spell is otherwise unavailable).
There is also an option from the main menu to "Reset Defensive," which effectively ends combat on all your active summons and resets them to follow mode.
Each summon has its own associated magic cost to cast. Once the timer runs out they will enter "sustained" mode, which will apply a constant magic drain to the player, again depending on which creature, and also your conjuration skill level. There are console options to lessen this magic drain or remove it completely, or have the summons dispel when their timer runs out just like the regular game summons (see the readme.)
It is also possible at higher levels to summon multiples of the same creatures. For example if you are a journeyman conjurer, you can summon two of the same of anything from the Apprentice creature list. An expert can summon three of the same Apprentice level creatures, two of the same Journeyman creatures, etc., staggered for all menus. There is no limit to the total number of unique creatures you can summon (aside from available mana.)
Also on the main menu are the options "Astral Recall" and "Dispel All." The second option does just what it says. "Astral Recall" teleports all your active summons back to you, in case they get stuck or need help getting to hard to reach places.
One minor conflict I imagine might be with mods such as LAME, which change the game's default spell effects (shaders, sounds, etc.). I only use one of these (Z020), and loading my mod after any of these potentially conflicting mods should have no impact on them and resolve any issues, as Z020 is one of the "extra" effects (not overwriting the Summon Flesh Atronach effect anymore) and is not generally used by the game. Loading this mod after LAME will keep the icon and shader effect for the Master Summon spell, otherwise if LAME loads after everything still works, but it uses the shader from that mod instead. (Basically, the spell looks different when you cast it, so not really a conflict.)
I have also noticed that certain of Mart's creatures are not hostile towards the player by default, but will attack your summons. (The giant spiders for example.) A simple way to deal with this is to either temporarily switch your combat posture to allow friendly targets using the main spell (if you want summons to attack them), or alternately Reset Defensive.
This might not even be an issue anymore since I think my version of MMM is out of date, but just something to keep in mind if certain mod-added creatures seem to be starting combat with your summons, and they refuse to fight back.
Since summons won't attack friendlies even with "Allow Friendly Targets" set unless you tell them to, or they attack you or your summons first, it is safe to leave it on when heading back into town. I usually keep it on "Only Target Hostiles" by default though just in case I forget to set it back when entering combat with actual friendlies around.
RE: Concerns some have expressed about summons attacking guards, NPC's, etc. This has been resolved in the 2.0 combat system overhaul. No longer will summons attack friendlies (unless you tell them to.) They'll also end combat if a friendly accidentally targets them, and will do a search for new targets. The friendly attacking them will do the same.
Where is the ring?
As of v2.4b, the ring is automatically added to your inventory the first time you load a save with the mod checked.
You are free to use this mod personally as you wish. If you choose to incorporate aspects of it into your own I only ask to be given notification and credit for my work, and a link back to this site. I also request this not be redistributed without permission. Thanks!
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