Main question: Is this now the vehicle for these mods or will you also be updating the individual ones as well?
The main reason I want to know is so that I can jump on board now. I only use half of them so glad that they can be turned off.
And for anyone looking for the Frans no backwards running penalty remover esp it is found on the texnexus page for The good news is that it is a mergable mod (with bashed patch) and does not eat a mod slot.
Hopefully, if Frans gets reconfigures all that MOBS/Lyrondor stuff can be made optional or even just taken out.
Thanks for the link, will add it to the mod description so people can turn off Fran's backwards running.
I won't update the individual mods. They're ok as they are so I will leave them on Nexus in their current state. Even though some of them were significantly improved in PPP (mainly Damage Multiplier and No Running while using Bows or Spells). I will add a link to PPP in the description so people don't use the single mods unless they really don't care about the rest or any of the improvements.
I know this is off topic but I can run backwards.
Not exactly sure what you mean, but if you mean 'I can run backwards in real life so this mod is not realistic' then do the following:
1. Travel to India.
2. Buy 100 pounds of lead and put it in your backpack.
3. Go into a thick wood with lots of plants and debris on the ground.
4. Wait for a tiger.
5. Try to run backwards.
Of course you can still run backwards for a few seconds before you fall over and get eaten by the tiger. There is a mod that lets you fall over when you collide with objects while running backwards. But whether you can run as long as you want to eventually fall over or whether you can only run for a few steps before you go into walk mode is a gameplay decision imo. Personally I think while it is more realistic it is also pretty annoying if you fall over. I play in 1st person exclusively so it is basically a random chance - not something I want in my game (apart from the fact that due to hardware limitations there is much less debris on the ground than there would be in real life). Instead I limit the backward movement right from the start. My character can't fall over that way and everything is fine.
Apart from the realism aspect there is also the gameplay aspect. Being able to run backwards without any limit is an exploit in Oblivion. You can kill every enemy that has no ranged attack that way (at least if you don't use my Deadlier Creatures mod) without getting hurt. That is not realistic either, but it's a game and games have limitations. I don't like exploits and I like them even less if they are as obvious and silly as this one.
But, like I already said in another post in this thread, it's a matter of taste. That is what the ini is for.