Like a watch that does everything but tell time...
Welcome to modern phones; great at everything but being a phone.
Which brings up a good question. Do we really even need phones anymore?
I for one prefer to stick with my carrier pigeon.
I prefer my old flip-up phone with real, physical buttons...
How well does the pidgeon handle the phone for you?
I wish they still made those flip phones.
They were just better.
I have a smartphone and I'm browsing the web all the time to keep up with what's going on. I do make around 2-3 phonecalls each day, and text regular texts around 10 each day.
I used to have a phone that was good for only texting and calling, but then I realized I'd have to start carrying my laptop everywhere or else I'd fall behind in everything. So, smartphone.
I use my phone as an alarm.
Also, if anyone needs to contact me for something (obviously).
My phone is fairly new (couple years?) but it is just a flip-phone. I don't need all that fancy-schmancy Iphone stuff
Conglaturation, OP!
I use my Galaxy SII as a mini-laptop. What kind of backwards person uses his/her mobile exclusively for calling and texting people nowadays?
But really, I use my Kindle for other stuff when needed (Mobile games, web surfing, etc.). I just need a phone to stay in touch with others or if something comes up.
Oh, and of course, not to oversleep