MUDCRABS! nasty little buggers!
"Smoke me a kipper,i'll be back for breakfast" (ace rimmer,red dwarf ) haha!
"My father was a wierd guy....artifcial legs....real feet! :thumbsup:
Is it me ?,or can you smell dog [censored] ? (checks boots)
Is that a carrot in your pocket?..or are you just happy to see me?

You may want to experiment with pie's,try a variaty of pie's,but in the end,you know where you are with your old pie ( would make me chuckle ).
Who cut your hair.....those blind Moth Priests.
GREAT! (sigh),you wait for ages for a siltstrider to come.....and two go the other way! typical! (siltstrider=buses).
Is it me,or does that face on the moon look like Tod howard?
I've heard fighting a dragon is like pissing against the wind!....Don't bother!
Thats some nice gear.....Thanks...would you like to feel the shaft!?
KHAJIIT: Whats the got your tongue!
NOT tonight...i have a headache! :sadvaultboy:
Nord and his pretty wife: Lets go for a swim love. (his wife points at the water) eewww,NO,someone left a floater in that pond,,hahahaha!...sorry!