» Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:16 am
Ahh Yes! We've been expecting you...
You've finally arrived, but your records don't say from where...
Under sun and sky, outlander. We greet you warmly.
Ya like to dance close to the fire don't you?
Why walk when you can ride?
I don't recall ever using teleportation, but there I was....Naked.
I could kill that guar. Those boots are ruined.
Did your blind mother dress you this morning?
I have a feeling you and I are about to become very close.
May your kills be quick... and many!
Dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt. Everywhere dirt.
Go about your business but I'm watching you.
You n'wah!
AAAiieeee! Ohoho! Aeeoohh! Ahahaaaah!
Ohh, you're naked...spare me
Why is it without clothes?
The prey approaches *gets hit in the mace with a face*
*sniff purrrrrr* This scent is new...
I have a feeling someone is watching me
By the gods! You tourists are a nuisance!
Ha! Fine words from one born from the wrong end of a guar.
Let's not make this official, outlander. Move along.
You're not exactly charming your way into my graces, friend.
*Burp* I should lay of the Mazte...
Smelly, unkempt, unwashed. I see standards are lowered every day.
Speak quickly oulander or go away!
Welcome, friend. I feel as though I should know you.
I think you're a thief because you've stolen my heart.
...so Hrokar says, 'Bend over and kiss your old mother goodbye!' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA