Sorry I didn't read your first post well, I don't know about your condition so I'm not gonna tell you what it is and what it's not, shouldn't have done that. Fibromyalgia has a psychossomatic cause though. And I wouldn't call this "preaching", I'd call this telling the truth. So I'm not preaching to you now, you can just ignore

I'm sorry but this is completely ridiculous. You skimmed my post enough to assume I had the kind of "back pain" that can be treated by your beloved Dr. Sarno, thoroughly insulting me in the process, and only now that I've told you essentially "hey, actually
read my damn post" and you've realized that (doh!) I have an actual disorder that the mainstream medical community agrees exists, you're letting me off the hook and focusing all your attention on preaching to Alaisiagae? :facepalm:
You. Aren't. Helping. Anybody.
The broad ignorance about this amazes me
Are you kidding me? Look at your posts. You've only referenced a single doctor in all of your posts, the great and all-powerful Dr. Sarno. You're going on and on about a controversial treatment created by a
single person and that the global medical community isn't accepting. And you're calling other people ignorant? You're ignoring the entire medical community and years upon years of research in favor of believing a single person, yet
they're ignorant?
History is full of individuals who proposed radical ideas and flipped the beliefs of the rest of the world upside down. But there's a good reason why Dr. Sarno isn't one of them. It's true that, judging by wikipedia, there are quite a few doctors who agree with him. But his work is still controversial, and it's not because the world is ignorant, it's because Dr. Sarno hasn't presented all the facts and hard evidence needed to be taken seriously by the mainstream medical community. The individuals who proposed those radical ideas gained acceptance by presenting all the facts and evidence necessary to win people over. Until Dr. Sarno can do that, you might as well be trying to sell snake oil to those of us who recognize the difference between a worldwide scientific and medical community, and a single person.