Hahahaha, I purposfully did not make any distinction because I wanted it to be clear I was not refering to any one specific thing. Jelly bellies most certainly come under the heading of "soft body parts" and I have an image of the city chief bumbling bouncily down his throne steps to greet the player.

Also: I could have sworn your avatar rasied his eyebrows when I read your post, and I had to stop and watch it to make sure it wasn't a GIF. :laugh:
Lol. That is a genuine picture of yours truly and my beard circa November. I'm going to update it again in the spring, as it's longer now.
Back on topic, I noticed that concept art for previous Elder Scrolls games, Including both Morrowind and Oblivion feature capes and cloaks. My guess as to why they never make the cut, I assume, are clipping issues. I think the modding community proves that the user base isn't as concerned with clipping issues as Beth is.