But this made me think: Educated and Comprehension are still worthed? I know that a lot of people like to have 100% skills and wish to level faster, I have nothing against it, but with more levels available this also means we are not hard pressed for skill points, since there are more available for building your character. For example, I can now afford to pick Comfirmed Bachelor/Lady Killer for my male character - yes, he swing both ways, as well my female build

My build have 7 inteligence, wich means he will be able to gain 540 points in 40 levels, not counting the implants, tagged skills, armor boosts, books, etc. This build is an ex-infantry men and was ranked as soldier when in the army. After leaving the army he worked as a mercenary, caravan guard and body guard. When working as a body guard he learned that guns not always solve everything, albeit is the fastest way to do it. Since working as a mercenary and caravan guard he learned that a survivalist is a very efficient way to live about. And he is always hardcoe to the bone. So this is it, he will have a high skill with guns (100%), a high barter (70%, for pack rat), a high survival (75%) and a high speech (75%). I'm not planning go with snipers, it will be grunt, so my sneak at best will have 50% if I have the points to spare.
Just to clarify, before the DLCs I usually picked Comprehension over Educated, because this allow me to focus in the main skills I choosed and at the same time solve many things without resorting always to violence. I can spend all my points in guns, survival and repair at levels 1/2/3/4, for example, and at the same time I will have the opportunity to pick locks, use terminals, reprogram Primm Slimm, repair the generator in Novac for some money and NCR fame reading magazines.
So what do you people think, do I still need Educated/Comprehension?