One such place was once the centre of the greatest empire ever to spread across the old world, this once great nation was ravaged by petty wars over dwindling rescources and civil unrest. Great Britain, a major combatent in mans bloodiest wars was layed to waste by a war so devestating and final that not even this nation of such resiliance and self sustainance could sustain itself.
On the day the world died and atomic fire rained down on men women and children alike British citizens had none of the shelter of other nations, most perished in the clouds or faded to nothing in the aftermath. The mongrol pheonix that arose from the ashes of this once grat island nation was forever twisted and savaged from the craze of the radiation. Many fled oversees from the cruel wrath of these new creatures, those who stayed were slaughterd by the ever increasing hordes of mutants and monsters.
As America has healed itself from the devestation wraught on itself curiosity has risen over the fate of her once great alie, curiosity has turned to endevour as a mercanary group hijacked an enclave vertibird and set out to map the ruiend island nation.
You are part of this group of intreped explorers and these are your tales.
Franz looked at the group of his most trusted gaurds and firends, all had served him extremely well in the past and all had a connection to the forogtten land they were hurtleing towards. the group was silent and many of them had never met before at length, Franz knew that he would need a complete team mentality to succeed in this unkown environment. Franz cleard his throat authorotively, the group turned thier heads.
" Freinds and colleagues, ladies and gentlemen we find ourselves at the start of a road. This road leads to glory, this road leads to fame, this road leads to Great Britain. We dont know how hard the land was hit and we dont know what remains of the populace or what sort of welcome we can expect. You are all my most trusted luitenants and as such have been controling seperate wings of my force never coming into contact with eachother and only being answerable to me. In this harsh land you will need to be able to rely on eachother and put complete faith in the hands of the group, get to know eachother, learn eachothers stories and struggles. By the time this airship lands you will each report to me a new fact about your team mates. Get talking."
Franz's voice was hoarse and raw after shouting over the whirring blades of the stolen vertibird. Franz knew each of his explorers would be driven to excel at every task given, this was thier greatest strength. Franz lay back shut his eyes and dreamed of the snowy peaks of the mountain he craved to climb.
ok guys get going, i hope this is a fun experience for us all