Picking Up The Pieces

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:51 pm

Hey guys, I have been off for a while and this is my first RP for some time so I hope it can be great for getting back into the swing of things.


The culmination of the great atomic war between the warring nations of China and America struck a deathknell for a world alreadey ravged by war and famine. Many countries were in such a state of ruin before this day of fire and death, many offerd no shelter to thier desperate inhabitants and no safehavens from the cruelty of the wars aftermath.

One such place was once the centre of the greatest empire ever to spread across the old world, this once great nation was ravaged by petty wars over dwindling rescources and civil unrest. Great Britain, a major combatent in mans bloodiest wars was layed to waste by a war so devestating and final that not even this nation of such resiliance and self sustainance could sustain itself.

On the day the world died and atomic fire rained down on men women and children alike British citizens had none of the shelter of other nations, most perished in the clouds or faded to nothing in the aftermath. The mongrol pheonix that arose from the ashes of this once grat island nation was forever twisted and savaged from the craze of the radiation. Many fled oversees from the cruel wrath of these new creatures, those who stayed were slaughterd by the ever increasing hordes of mutants and monsters.

As America has healed itself from the devestation wraught on itself curiosity has risen over the fate of her once great alie, curiosity has turned to endevour as a mercanary group hijacked an enclave vertibird and set out to map the ruiend island nation.

You are part of this group of intreped explorers and these are your tales.


Okay sign up here, if you don't know the rules then either read how to RP by Illusionary nothing or don't bother signing up.

Char Sheet

Name: (everyone must have a name, and please no names like Shadow Warrior or anything like that)

Age: (21-35 unless ghoulified)

Race: (if Ghoul then specify former race aswell)

Appearance: (Height, build, hair, face that kind of thing. Im going to set a height limit 6'4 for stealth purposes)

Clothing: (Armour, clothes, accessories that kind of thing. NO POWER ARMOUR)

Misc Equipment: ( stimpacks, junk, stuff relevant to your characters story etc)

Weapons: ( can be anything short of RPGs, real world weapons are fine but please elaborate what kind of gun this is as we dont all know this kind of thing )

Bio: (short history kind of thing, preferably not Enclave or BOS dropouts unless they are REALY REALY well done I will ask you to change them.)


My Sheet and the squad leader:

Name: Franz Thomas

Age: 27

Race: American with Welsh ancestory


Franz is a tall broadly built man standing at six foot three, he looks akwardly thin for his height and build. He moves in a quick elegant way with fluid movements he seems to be making hardly any effort even when moving at high speeds. Franz has a quite gaunt boney face with well defined cheek bones. Franz's eyes are a pierceing icey blue which are usualy hidden beneath a mop of lank blonde brown hair that hangs down to the middle of his neck. Franz looks rather unkempt and rough due to his dark stubble. Franz is very animated when talking and punctuates his statements with lots of hand gestures and motions. Franz's hands and face are criscrossed by scars acumeulated over a number of years of wasteland life.

Clothing: Franz wears a long black winter coat that comes down to his kness over a bloodcaked white work shirt. He also wears a pair of batterd black jeans and work boats. Franz covers his hands with a pair of pristine black leather gloves. Franz rarely wares armour proffering the mobility and comfort of his clothing

Weapons: Franz uses a jet black un-scoped magnum with his initials stenciled onto the barrel in gold ink. this weapon was made for him as an eigteenth birthday present from his gunsmith father. Franz also has a scavanged Gewehr 43 rifle slung over his shoulder with a leather strap which he uses at long range.

Misc Equipment: three stimpacks, a mapping device and a pack of cigars

Bio: Franz was born to a gunsmith in the capital wastes, his mother died while he was a baby. Life wasn't easey for the family of two and many nights were spent in complete blackness and silence as a raider party or slaver group passed by. Franz's father would always calm him second hand tales of the land his family had come from, Franz grew up dreaming of the green fields and mountains of the North Welsh countryside. As Franz grew his desire to visit the land of the stories grew with his survival ability. Over time Franz became aware of his talent for killing and started a mercenary group offering protection to settlements around the wastes. Soon though as always Franz's mind drifted back to britain and his plan was born. Franz selected his chosen few, borrowed a spare mapping device from Riley's Rangers, hijacked an Enclave vertibird and set a course for the british isles.


Ill make the OP when we have enough RPers
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TIhIsmc L Griot
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:05 am

Hey Man it's good to see you back! I've missed ya, haha...

Here's my Char Sheet:

Name: Steven Meils

Age: 24 at age of ghoulification, spent 30 years as a ghoul.

Race: Was a normal American Wastelander, but has some Scottish lineage.

-Torn brown hair that tangles a bit past his ears
-Deep black eyes.
-A kind of a yellower type of skin then other ghouls
-Surprisingly good teeth
-He's tall enough to dominate other people but is generally quite quiet in the way he moves, with a light step to every move he prefers to assess things before going in.

Clothing: Black combat armor with a small name tag labelled "Steve" on it, underneath this is an old Pre-War shirt with some jeans.

Misc Equipment:
-4 Stimpacks
-4 Jet
-Pair of rusted binoculars

-Black Assault Rifle with a scope-No silencer
-Silenced 10mm Pistol
-Silenced M14 Semi-Automatic Rifle

Bio: Steven was your average Wastelander, born into a world of terror and forced to survive hiding from Raiders, Slavers and Ghouls. After his Mother died one night due to a gunshot wound he became very depressed as a person, preferring to avoid his Father and spend time on his own. After he reached the age of 17 he walked out on his Father and started to live on his own, spending time with many different peoples he learnt about weapons and how to keep them well-repaired.

At the age of 24 he came across Vault 87, not knowing about the radiation he attempted to move through it, very quickly he realised his mistake but it was too late. He tried to run but the radiation burnt through his system, he managed to get out of the field but he collapsed exhausted about 10 metres away. Not too long afterwards he awoke again, he felt different but he looked the same, about a week later his skin started peeling and his face started to deform.

Within a Month he was a ghoul, he wasn't disgusted with himself like most others were, he took this as an advantage and explored highly irradiated areas, eventually falling in with certain crowds. One day, he came across a man named Franz, he guessed he must've made an impression because not long after he was offered a trip to see the British Isles...

Just tell me if you want me to change anything or don't want me... :)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:50 am

mate why would i not want one of the most decorated RPers on this board, tis a great sheet.
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RObert loVes MOmmy
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:56 pm

Ohh thanksh, now I'm embarrassed, :embarrass:, haha, I hope I can serve this RP well.
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GEo LIme
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:52 pm

I'll follow this RP. Let me know if you need any info about my wonderful *cough* country. ^_^
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Wayne W
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:05 am

This looks interesting :) and, if I'm not mistaken, is it just me, a fellow South African?

Here's my char sheet:

Name: Caleb Grey

Age: 24

Race: American with Scottish ancestry

Appearance: Caleb is a lean-built, stronger-than-he-looks type, standing at 6'2", with almost snow-white hair in a messy style, with a slight moustache and goatee. His most striking feature is his eyes, a deep hazel-green, accentuated by slightly gaunt features, and high cheekbones. Every movement he makes is purposeful and calculated, as years of life in the Wasteland has attuned his senses and taught him that nothing should be done without thought.

Clothing: Caleb wears a faded beige pre-war overcoat, reinforced with brahmin leather lining and metal plating around the chest and shoulders, with a stained white T-shirt and a dogged-looking pair of blue workman's jeans, and black leather boots.

Misc Equipment: A pack of cigarettes, a zippo lighter with his name engraved on the lid, four stimpacks and a pair of binoculars.

Weapons: Silenced black match-grade H&K MK 23 .45 tactical pistol, and a .308 caliber Armalite DKS-402 sniper rifle.

Bio: Caleb was born in the Wasteland city of Megaton and abandoned as a child by his parents. Taken in by travelling mercenaries passing through the city, he grew up on the move, and learnt to shoot and fight as soon as he was able. Due to this, and some natural talent, he is an excellent shot, and as such served as the group's scout and sniper for the time he was with them. However, a falling-out with the group's leader due to differing views led him to be cast out from the group, and he travelled alone for a while, doing freelance work for whomever offered it to him, until one day he came across two men, the founding members of a mercenary group evidently destined for greater things, who were impressed by his knowledge and skill, especially for his age, and so he was invited to join them in their travels...
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Ashley Hill
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:06 pm

I'll follow this RP. Let me know if you need any info about my wonderful *cough* country. ^_^

Why not just join the RP? Be much more helpful. :P
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Carlos Rojas
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:41 am

Why not just join the RP? Be much more helpful. :P

Ohh, I wouldn't want to spoil it. I'm really not very good at RP. :P
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Ownie Zuliana
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:21 pm

This looks interesting :) and, if I'm not mistaken, is it just me, a fellow South African?

South..........Australian, I have visted South Africa though beautiful scenery, also the mercenary group existed before the trip was on the cards
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Tanika O'Connell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:15 pm

South..........Australian, I have visted South Africa though beautiful scenery, also the mercenary group existed before the trip was on the cards

Ah my apologies. :) and I've edited my post to fit that information...
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Beulah Bell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:30 pm

I'll give it a whack.

Name: Kristy Kozyar

Age: 25

Race: Caucasian, Female (Of Ukrainian decent)

Appearance: Kristy is 5'7", with a tough lean build. Her hair is a light brown that is cut short, about 3-4 inches long, and usually done in a fauxhawke. Her eyes are a mossy green color. Her face is angular, with a small mouth and nose. Her skin is very lightly tanned.

Clothing: Black combat boots, olive colored combat pants, hip and thigh pouches for ammo/misc items, and a white tank top. She wears the shoulder/chest protection from combat armor over her tank top, and carries a black ball cap and goggles in her pack.

Misc Equipment: 4 stimpacks, 2 med-x, a few other medical supplies, and small pocket knife.

Weapons: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FN_Minimi (LMG, with a sling), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FN_Five-seveN (pistol, holstered under her armpit)

Bio: Kristy grew up in Rivet City with her mom. She knew nothing about her dad or her mom's past, and her mother kept it that way. Her mom had been one of Dukov's women, and when she found out she was going to have a kid she stole Dukov's Five-seveN and made her way to Rivet City, where Kristy was born.

Kristy was always the type that followed orders well. As she got older she became fascinated with guns, mainly big guns. She took a job at Flak and Shrapnel's repairing weapons, and as years passed she became bored of the usual environment of the ship. Her mother wouldn't let her leave though, instead her mother told her to learn how to be a doctor. After two years of pleading with her mom she finally gave in, and let Kristy make her own life at the age of twenty. She gave her Dukov's Five-seveN and holster before she left, telling her it was her father's weapon.

Her first three years she spent tracking down old military bases and selling the equipment she found to other traders, that's where she found most of her equipment. She wasn't content though, she had grown up being a follower, and being out on her own was awkward and lonely for her. Around a year later she met a group of mercenaries and joined them as soon as she had the chance, seeing as her scavving job had been turning less profitable every day, and she would have others to work with.

Let me know if you'd like me to change anything.
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Juanita Hernandez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:35 pm

Char Sheet

Name: Iain Scott

Age: 24

Race: Caucasian, Ancestry Scottish (woo!)

Appearance: Average height, hidden muscles, not entirely strong but just a little more than average.Light Brown messy curly hair. Friendly face. Brown eyes and is quite tanned. Quite light for his appearance. Shady guy

Personality: Is friendly but people judge him quickly, worships the good lord, likes to work in a team

Clothing: Black overcoat unbuttoned. Black shady hat. Black lightwear shoes. Quiet look about him.

Misc Equipment: 5 stimpacks, pocket watch which he fiddles with, bible and necklace with the cross on it.

Weapons: 44 magnum hand gun, SA80 scoped (assault gun), combat knife.

Bio: Born in a Mercenary camp, Iain grew up tough and respected the good lord. Wore shady clothes, liked the theme of the wear. Iain became great behind the gun, even better than his parents. Went on regular missions, didn't care about the pay just enjoyed taking out enemies. Later on he heard that his family had come from Scotland, Iain became very curious of what happened over there. He knew he couldn't go alone so he searched for people. Iain met two men who were on the same mission. Iain stuck with them.

Let me know if you need anything changed.
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Eric Hayes
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:20 pm

good good, everyone has good sheets so far. A couple more players would be great but i wont wait to long so as not to bore people. Teehee:3 there is only one way to learn and thats by doing, give it a go
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GabiiE Liiziiouz
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:13 am

Name: Joshawa Schultz

Age: 40

Race: Cacausain, Ancestry German

Appearance: Joshawa is 5"11 he has a fairly fit body for his age, he has bed head hair black colored, he has light blue eyes and a scar above his right eyebrow.

Clothing: Joshawa wears a Merc Charmer outfit

Misc Equipment: Back Pack, Pot, Pan, Plate, Spoon, Fork, Knife, Instamash, Sugar Bombs and 7 Stimpacks.

Weapons: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Heckler_Koch_MP5.jpg, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walther_P99, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M82_Barrett_rifle

Bio: Joshawa was born in Rivet City and lived there most of his life but one day he dicided to move to Megaton so he left his family behind and hed for Megaton. While at Megaton he was offered a trip to the British Isles he accepted the offer bringing his best guns and equipment.
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Sarah Evason
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:22 am

Clothing: Black combat boots, olive colored combat pants, hip and thigh pouches for ammo/misc items, and a white tank top. She wears the shoulder/chest protection from combat armor over her tank top.

:o That's bascially my get-up for most RPs! Damn you! :P Only joking.

Name: Lauren Barlow

Age: 21

Race: Caucasian, Female. English/Irish ancestory

Appearance: Around 5'7, slim, athletic build. Brunnette, cut spikey hair ie http://media.photobucket.com/image/alice%20cullen/KrisisBabyGirl/AliceCullen.jpg (I know, I know. I just like the hair style :P) Deep blue eyes, odd for a brunnette.

Clothing: Combat pants and a dark t-shirt. Wears a light leather jacket, cut just over her ribs.

Misc Equipment: Couple of stimpacks and bandages.

Weapons: Sig P229A2 (Pistol 9mm, .40 S&W or .357 SIG)

Bio: Lauren was born in The Pitt to poor parents. A moral guard helped smuggle the girl out at a very early age and left her to the care of a travelling merchant along with details of her existance including a great deal of family history. When she was sixteen, she and the merchant strayed too close to a Raider camp which resulted in the death of the merchant and any supplies she had. She lived as a wastelander having learned skills from the merchant like sneaking, lockpicking, agility and marksmanship for hunting. For three years she lived this way before eventually, and finally finding Megaton. She took work in the Brass Lantern to hunt for food and do some cleaning. Lauren was cleaning up in the Brass Lantern when she met Franz and became intrigued in his interest of Great Britain and desperately wanted to join him in his cause.

(Hope that's alright =] I'll probably change some of the appearance to go more in detail later but right now i'm about to collapse in a heap of sleep at the PC)
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kirsty williams
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:18 pm

very, very good everybody. this will be the group so if anyone else wants to join PM. Rohugh, if you please
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josie treuberg
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:27 am

Closed as requested.
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Felix Walde
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