do you think having A pickpocketing skill will be worth it?
I think it would be a good choice considering the type of character you want. Maybe also look into lockpicking (so you can break into houses), speech (so you can bribe), sneak (obvious) and Illusion magic (to calm people if you're spotted and invisibility)
Pickpocketing and thieves go hand in hand.or is that hand in pocket
It is, but it's not done correctly. It wasn't done right in Oblivion either. Only weightless objects could be reversed onto an NPC. That was bad. What was good was you had to wait until their AI allowed them to eat for the poisoned apple to work. In Skyrim, the damn poison starts to take effect te second you put it in their pants. um, I mean... oh nvmd...
The way it should have been done was allowing the PC to poison food and THEN put it in their pocket and allow the AI to do it's thing. None the less, it is useful. Dumb... but useful.
I actually want my next character to be a pure rogue type and focus a lot on Pick-Pocketing, Speech Craft and Sneaking. I want to see what it's really like to remove all the clothes off of NPC's as they walk around town. Then I'll laugh. Then I start another character...
I think I might join you on that as well. The speech and pickpocket skills are two that I've never invested any perks into. But it would be interesting to play strictly as a class A thief.
i recently tried pickpocketing. i always thought it'd be tedious to level but it isn't...its super easy. gotta be carefull in towns tho if you poison someone, the guards are buggy and when a towns person dies they will aggro to you even if your stealthed without giving you a bounty so you can't surrender and bribe them or anything.
recently i poisoned the meat seller in riften...the guards aggroed then the townsfolk fought the guards, it turned into a city wide brawl. best bet is if you plan on taking down any townsfolk to make sure they're out of sight and as far away from any patrolling guards as possible.
one of my favorite things to do lately is make frenzy poisons that also increase the targets fighting power....i can currently improve someone two handed damage by a fair amount. i dubbed the poison "Roid Rage" i need to figure out if theres an ingredient that has damage and invisibility.....cuz then i could hide the body hurhur.
I think thats where some of the Illusion spells would come in handy.
Pickpocketing is tons of fun, but if you want to really enjoy it then don't save right before you try it...and live with the consequences.
Thiefing is a good stratagy's even better if you like to steal. You should start off pickpocketing store owners, so that you can steal a key to their store and at night you can break in without lockpicking.
Tip: You should use a khajiit to pickpocket, they have more sneak.
With the pickpocketing perk that gives you 100 extra carry weight It bodes well for a stealth character, especially as most sneaks are lone players with no companions.
Companions will just get you detected and make your life harder so go into pickpocketing if only for that perk.