I tried out LightingOverhaul recently (this isn't in reply to anyone else), and I have to say the interiors look wonky and there's too much fog outdoors, but there are some places where it turns the game downright SPOOKY. If only there was a way to remove enemy markers from the compass (but not quest or NPC markers). I don't have to bother listening for ghouls when I see a million red dots on my radar as I come around a corner.
And now the character that I hope to get to Broken Steel without any crashes because the only mods I'm using through the main quest are texture replacers, a carry weight mod, and perk mods. :shrug:
EDIT: Btw, if you're ever like me and download a couple hundred texture mods and find your Fallout women slathered in some form of make-up, don't panic. There's a generic female face texture mod you can download to alleviate the problem on the Nexus. Just search for "face" or "female face."