Why is she packing a bandoleer of shotgun shells then?
Lol very good point, she must be keeping something from me in between load screens. No wonder I see dead bodies I don't remember killing. I probably should of adjusted her armor to be more accurate to her character lol.
Anyone played TES and downloaded Jojjo's Lich King gear? Well I have! And I loved it so much I had to get it into FO3! http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/5608/deathknightpose01x.jpg
(NOT to be released shortly by me, as I'm studying physics and got a s'load of homework, but be my guest and make it yourself!)
Nice :goodjob: I've got the animations that the Lich King does, it looks rather strange in the Fallout world, though. I've also converted over the Spriggan animations. Not that I can do much with it, except use them in my own game, as it's all straight from Oblivion. Still, it looks cool, though
I dunno about that red tint -the sun's coming up- but the alternative was so dark they were disappearing into the poster. ;3; You might recognize that officer, by the way. You did, after all, meet him (briefly) in Raven Rock... >.>
http://fc03.deviantart.com/fs23/f/2009/246/a/f/Against_the_Wasteland_by_Iofiel.jpg I mean, look, her fingers just punched right through the sleeve of his uniform. ... Honestly I'm not sure whether she's patting him on the arm, or getting ready to tip the poor man over the edge.
http://fc08.deviantart.com/fs47/f/2009/247/8/8/Night_on_the_Town_by_Iofiel.jpg ...Literally, on the town. The view must be pretty spectacular, though. Let's just hope it doesn't rain.
http://fc00.deviantart.com/fs23/f/2009/247/1/4/Moonlight_and_Rust_by_Iofiel.jpg Late summer- and for once, calm enough to actually spend an evening out of doors without fear of hypothermia or the Black Rain. Overhead, the stars glint through the dispersing cloud layer like a handful of fragmented diamonds. Far below, in the dark arms of the Potomac, the Mirelurks are singing.
do you have any of munkeenuts mods? im looking for munkeenuts armory.
http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?s=&showtopic=1031669&view=findpost&p=14965987 It may not have been official game assets, but it was still theft.
http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?s=&showtopic=1031669&view=findpost&p=14965987 It may not have been official game assets, but it was still theft.
umm actually only 2 of his mods had that issue the one i stated was totally legit and was credited with the models makers at FPSbananna i think.