ok thank you for clearing that up, and what gun and armor are you using in the 2nd and 3rd screenshot? they look awsome.
The armour is a mix-n-match of two mods from a fantastic modder named daejones--the body suit is from thehttp://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6283 mod, and the helmet is from the http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8158. Be warned that the "Enclave Replacer" replaces all Enclave power armours in game with daejones' recreations. I created a stand-alone esp that does not replace the Enclave PAs. I may ask daejones' permission to upload it but I think 1) he is still working on the armours and will probably release a stand-alone version once the mod is considered "finished"; 2) it's really easy to make a stand-alone esp, just need some basic knowledge of FO3Edit and 5 minutes.
The rifle is more complicated. I basically replaced the shotgun replacer from antistar's http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3388 with the mesh of a rifle from skree's http://www.kolcrosbie.com/Blogz0rs.html. So when my character upgrades the combat shotgun with an extended clip, it becomes what you see in the screenshot. Now, for some weird reason, I could not get the skree's texture to display properly, so I decided to retexture the "new shotgun" myself. But as you can see from the screenshots, I have the texturing skill of most 5 year olds. If you are interested in doing something similar, all you really need is FO3Edit and nifskope. Just remember that if you want to share your modification of some else's original work, you must check the readme for the modder's guidelines on sharing modifications of her/his work (usually involves obtaining their permission and/or properly credit them as the original artist). In the event that they do not stipulate anything (which is to say that they do not even say "do whatever you want with this..."), assume that permission is needed and try to contact them.
In my case, I am never going to request permission to "release" the shotgun replacer you see in the screenshot. Not only does it show a tremendous lack of originality on my part, but I am pretty sure I've thoroughly butchered skree and antistar's beautiful work.

in which case you would be in violation of the license agreement. Not piracy, but technically is still "illegal".
Fair enough, but violating the license agreement usually means something like voiding warranty. So if game B no longer works or if your computer blows up, because you ported content from game A to game B, the game publisher is not liable nor obligated to offer technical support. But is it "illegal", as in violation of law? If I mod my XB360, Microsoft has every right to terminate my account as per the license agreement and refuse to offer support for/repair my XB360 should it break down within the warranty period. But as long as I don't try to (re)sell it, they can't send someone to come and confiscate my XB360. For all they care, I can take a hammer to it if I want to, can I not?