There's a difference between constructive criticism and what thunder-bolt posted. Since when does using the term "[censored]" to describe something count as constructive? There is a hundred different ways to word what was said to keep it from being negative, and give the point in a respectful and constructive way.
use photoshop to enchance your pictures. not to [censored] them with all avaible filters.
Yep, that's
really constructive, and does not at all count as negative. :facepalm:
Back on topic though, her eyes are green, actually. I would have liked to keep her eyes the only colored part of the image, but I couldn't manage that with the groovatron thingy, and I don't want to use photoshop or GIMP on my images.
And thank you, ElectricMessiah, Miaximus, CS Krypt, and jon7985, for your comments, much appreciated.