When we eventually are able to transplant faces with GaryBash I reckon my faces would be more how I want them to be. Kat is too much like Cynna, now. My newie, Rose is too much like Krysten. I need a brand new look. Facegen Exchange doesn't do a bad job, but the ability to copy a face to an esp to use as a companion would be ideal. I'd like Cynna as a companion
I might have to edit the presets in Project Beauty as they are all a bit dull, now. Why is there an African American face under the Caucasian list? The female one. In my game that's Kimba in Big Town. I don't really want to look like her. Again
Nothing new today.
Good points!! I would really love to see Project Beauty updated...or someone making a base mod with the TK head and eyelashes, a few nice eyes, a good face texture, and a good starting hair. This way people like you and I can add our own hairs, eyes and what ever else. I guess it would have to be compatible with PB, cause I am not in the mood to edit each npc lol.
So Fate spent some time in Megaton to gather information about her father. While she was helping Walter to fix the pipes, she wondered if http://img517.yfrog.com/img517/7915/screenshot53f.png was how people cleaned up in this town.
After a little while, she ventured more towards Vault 101 and investigated the area around a barn. She managed to kill a few raiders, few molerats, a radscorpion, and a wild dog without even getting shot at or hurt once. Sure she was the coward that stood at a distance and plucked at her prey one by one... but she was new to this world, she isn't taking any chances. She managed to get back to Megaton before night fall and just when she was deep in thought about her life outside the vault so far, she was http://img40.yfrog.com/img40/3598/screenshot62.png. Btw, lucky for me, that armor and weapon was on a dead body. I figured out how to get it fitted lol. Fate, you may have a surviving chance yet!