I have ssen her before.Very Nice job.Now i have the armor(Complete) I have a make up mod,I was wondering where is the hair from?(It looks like dred locks)am i right.I have several hair packs,But none contain that style.Thanks China.
Still working on http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/5185/chinadm.jpg She's a Goth Chic.I DL'ed the Bittercup Compaion Restyled mod.It also lets you use a Goth Chic as your character,(Which i am)So that way when i change anything on my character it does not change every female in game.(Which are default.)When i play RPG's i become that person.Well in Fallout that person becomes me.I'm still working on the face and hair.(needs to be more pinkish.)
On my way out of Raven Rock and this http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/376/notlookingood.jpg Then look what happened http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/3738/ravenrock.jpg
Holy smokes where'd ya find that coat? It's cool :disguise:
The coat is the Lucas Sims coat with the sleeves of the merchant outfit (with the watches removed). The merchant sleeves were "retextured" (basically a copy and paste in GIMP) with the texture from the Lucas Sims coat, then the whole thing blurred, darkened, and recolored to make it look like leather. The stuff hanging out of the coat comes from the pants, which are the pants from the wasteland doctor. They just happened to fit just about perfectly, so I left them in.
I have ssen her before.Very Nice job.Now i have the armor(Complete) I have a make up mod,I was wondering where is the hair from?(It looks like dred locks)am i right.I have several hair packs,But none contain that style.Thanks China.
90% sure that he made that hair. 51% sure that he hasn't released it. At least publicly.
From my chats with him (he was helping me with why my custom hair wasn't working properly) it's converted from a Poser/DAZ hairstyle but modified by him. Not releasable, I know that much. The Poser community don't believe in sharing. Or maybe I just picked the worst and most arrogant of them when I wanted to release a weapon I'd converted.
Nothing new today, no one wants to see my Sim characters, do they?
From my chats with him (he was helping me with why my custom hair wasn't working properly) it's converted from a Poser/DAZ hairstyle but modified by him. Not releasable, I know that much. The Poser community don't believe in sharing. Or maybe I just picked the worst and most arrogant of them when I wanted to release a weapon I'd converted.
Nothing new today, no one wants to see my Sim characters, do they?
That's ok i was just wondering if was in 1 of the hair packs i had but just missed it.( I too would not release it)(I like my character to be different from all others also.)