» Sat May 28, 2011 8:59 pm
Not many Argonians, uh? Let's change that.
I'm modding primarily for Argonians, well apart from my dragons, of course, and browsing my documentation picture archives I think I found some nice pics with Argonians:
My 2 Argonian test-subjects, a male and a female, showing off in Arena Raiments... man, was finishing these a breakthrough at this time:
I actually have a lot of images of the inhabitants of a certain Veyond Cave, for obvious reasons, but those are quite tribal and not wearing much (ideal for testing full-body textures, but not so much for underage audiences), so here's only 1 I think still fits into a PG13 forum (everyone wears loincloths and underwear, don't worry):
Veyond Cave Argonians (*grml* they weren't wearing any bras! my bad)
The lighting is quite atmospherical and Nivea's skin on the males is looking just great!
While we're at it, here are 2 others showing of Nivea's work, my work, and it's a "2 Argonians : 1 dragon" ratio, so it's still on topic:
This lizard sure has a weird taste in clothing attire.
http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/8919/shootinggonewrong2fr1.jpg... and yes, this is her every-day attire.
(I think this was a documentation picture for AB Exnem but I'm not sure right now.)
While we're at it, this was a documentation picture for AB Robert:
I like the shine on the scales in this one.
I have a bunch of images like this one and the previous, always showing one and the same Argonian with different bodies, different textures and in different lighting.
He is a lady's man isn't he?
And last but not least:
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/3673/missingtoothgraduation.jpg for passing the final test to become a Guardian.
There, that should hopefully even out the Argonian ratio in this thread somewhat. :whistling:
My, were some of those pics covered in dust already...