Pictures of Oblivion Characters #267

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:39 pm

Both Screenshooting Guides from Shadow' and Divine Avenger, along with Other Useful Tips and Tricks with contributions from trollf, Badmagic, Gadar, Spike, JazzJR, RGM2 and an ever-growing list of others, have been moved to a separate thread:
Note: For any broken TESsource links, try replacing '' with '' for the new links.

Some Specific Posting Guidelines (in "addition" to all the ones TES Forums already require)

Welcome! This thread encourages people's feedback about whatever is posted here. However, any criticism of presented screenies, character ideas, stories, etc., should be very specific and constructive. This kind of criticism is a great way for us to learn and improve our skills.

However, due to some extreme and abusive criticism around the time of our 50th thread (which was thankfully cleared out by a moderator), it became necessary to post the following:

NO criticism should be directed at the PERSON - only at his or her WORK.
Also, whatever criticism is presented, it should NOT be negative in general terms - such as, "That screenie is really lame." This type of non-specific criticism only insults and does not provide any help whatsoever. Or even worse, this kind of criticism: "You are a silly man with a silly idea." If you really must say something negative to someone outside of this simple "code", keep it off this thread!

Another bottom line rule on this thread we have learned over time: If you find a post really offensive, REPORT IT AND IGNORE IT! The moderators know how to quickly deal with any such situation, and will remove any offensive posts, if they are actually offensive. Arguing or making demands regarding the post, invariably ends up worsening the situation, and can even result in all involved parties getting a warning.

Also, some posts can be too vague and subject to interpretation - so please word your posts very clearly to avoid any misunderstandings, especially if they are critical in nature.

Commenting on style of play in screenshots:
Due to a recent resurgence of abusive posts, any comments concerning the style of play a member employs should be constructive and friendly - and always aligned with the standards for commenting within this topic and on this Forum. Members have a wide variety of playing styles and of capturing screens - and no subjective (or moral, ethnic, political, religious, cultural, social, sixual, etc.) preferences should be dictated to others as right or wrong on this thread. All members are encouraged to post their screens regardless of their style of play - as long as they stay within the rules of this Forum and thread.

From one of our moderators, DreadLord:
This is not the place to troll, flame, or spam others. You all are here to share ideas, converse, and have a good time. We don't want anyone to spoil the party, so if someone happens to come along with those intentions please use the report button and ignore that person's post (Do not reply to them or acknowledge them). We will then take the appropriate action to cull the situation and remove the problem.

Regarding receiving comments or not receiving comments to your post:
Comments are hit or miss on this very fast moving thread. This thread moves so FAST that it is hard for lots of us to comment on peeps' screenies. So many, if not most screenies may appear to go unnoticed, because no comments occur. I am sure many of us have worked hard on something, and it appears to just fly by the pages, because of this very popular thread. Many of us try to take time to comment because it is fun to give others feedback and generally seems appreciated. But often no one does. If you really feel like it always happens that your post is ignored, ask a question about it. Whenever you directly ask about something, it is almost always answered by someone. Or even repost it - and point something out about it that you like or want feedback on.

And the best way to get comments? Positively, constructively/specifically comment on others work too!

Alright! Glad that is out of the way. Have fun and thanks for your contribution to this thread!

(Written by various contributors to this thread. Please PM greatfool1 if you do not agree with any part(s) of this.)

P.S. Winner of the most frequently given tip to new screenshooters, and deserving to be mentioned in the op:
To get rid of the HUD (Menu), use the console command "~", then "TM" to Toggle Menu Off/On. :)

And the runner up may be: How to add a caption and get rid of ImageShack Ads/the Golden Frog, etc. Also, may be applicable for ridding other sites' ads.
One more: A short summary post of how to do an action screenshot.
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Sasha Brown
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:48 pm

And not my character, but rather a shot of Anequina's Dune skooma den owner:
(just liked the outfit/atmosphere).
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April D. F
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:20 pm

There's a Picture thread already going.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:56 pm

Just a quick advertisment for a good face modder. Im looking for someone interested in transfering the npc faces I created to an independent mod. Heres a couple of sample screens to see if anyone would be interested in them if I can find a teammate to help with a release. Just thought Id post them here as well since a lot of people look here for screens. Thanks in advance. Let me know what you guys think and if there is interest.
From left to right starting at the top: Tesserayiel from the Intergration stranded light mod, Jensine, Rohssan, Palonirya
Bottom row: Thoronir, Owyn from the bloodworks, Ysabel Andronicus of the bloodworks and the yellow team champ.
From left to right starting at the top: Mandil, Methredhel, Tyrru Mayame from the Intergration mod, Adanrel
Bottom row: Calindil, First Mate Malvulis, Elisa Pierrane, Rochelle Bantien with a funny cameo of Vilja.... couldnt resist. Her expression is priceless. :)

PS: I wasnt going for a beauty anime look but something more varied with NPCs looking more attractive in a more realistic way. I redid a ton of faces for both vanilla npcs and npcs for the Intergration Stranded light mod so these are just a handful of examples.
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Judy Lynch
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