Been very busy workwise but took a break.

Only this first screenie is a repost - where our "story" left off...
However, Reese's Sleep-In is abruptly ended as she is pulled by the neck by none other than the Captain of the Minotaur Army!
Captain: Who is this very odd looking intruder?
Immediately her beastie friend from the previous night comes racing toward them... <= No this is not Reese saying she needs to take a pee break, even though it may look that way.

Beastie: Captain, she came here last night and said something about making our tents bigger...
Reese: Yes! Totally! That is so right! These tents are way too small for you guys. I can like totally do a Martha Stewart number on them plus expand them so your feet don't get cold at night!
Captain: WTF? That sounds like a bunch of human-crap! We don't even have feet.
Get rid of this weird creature now! Don't the rest of you have some marauding to do? Let's go!
After everyone but Reese and her new friend are gone...
Beastie: May I kiss you?
Reese: Omigod, can I just pay you some cash instead?
Beastie: Uhhh... your money is no good here. Really, I need you to let me kiss you!
Reese: I really like you, but... Oh, okay, you can kiss my hand.
Beastie: Hmm, that should work... Now whatever you do, do NOT look at me!
Reese: Uhhh... your not going to do something nasty with my hand are you?
Beastie: Please trust me and just don't look back!
to be continued...