Absolutely Flawless as always Sin! Love the last one!
And now some from me, its been a bit and its because I was stock piling screenshots for later! LOL
Thats all for now kiddies

Great to see you back Si! nice shots! And thanks for the male pic! The counter is continuing to grow!

P.S. Is it just me or are most male characters around Nords...? Works for me! ^_^
here is a little screen while i was testing some pose mods
So cute! Absolutely love here! :poke:
Seriously, she is so me! Love her! Love this story line! Keep it up Gad!
Here's a new shot (no pun intended) of Tabriel. I tried to get a better close-up and also increased the size of the picture with 20 %. Didn't dare to make it bigger as I was afraid that wouldn't look too good. Hope it's big enough. Any tips on how to make them bigger+ (And how do you take pics without the UI?) Oh, and I have no idea why she is frowning. :unsure:
*sigh* seems the colors did not draw any attention to the main post...

Look there and you will find how to switch off the UI! ^_~
Ha ha, sometimes they're just unhappy!

A recent one posted in another thread:
Ha ha! Cute! And Welcome! Great to see so many new faces around here!