Like a nun's habit would make any difference..... Thanks for the heads up on the hair-- something to merge into my ever growing hair and eye and race esp.
I honestly like a bit of self glory, and I'm sadly proud of my characters, but unless I can get a handle on this screenshot thing, I'm going to have to just resign myself to commenting.
Ha ha, a baggy nun's outfit...

Yep! If you see anything you like in any of my screenies, please let me know! ^_^
Just like everyone here's said: If you love your characters, that's all that matters! We've all had humble begginings, and if we never tried how would we ever get better at what we like doing...? Please try your hand again and again! But you are doing one thing wrong: Don't post for comments! Post because it's fun!

gpster - Please don't feel like that . You love your characters. That's all that matters and the more people here get to know them, they'll come to love and look forward to seeing them too! I'm not real good a screenies myself, but I still post them because even though they aren't top notch like most here, I've had fun creating them when I'm in the mood. These threads can go wicked fast. And sometimes folks like myself only post every couple of days so going back 2 pages or more to comment can get tricky. It's not that the shots aren't appreciated by folks it's just that they often don't have the time or what they've seen is too far back. I really love seeing peoples screenies who are attached to their characters. They make for some of the best shots most often. Honestly, your characters don't have to be models or you don't need editing software to trick up the screenies. Nice in game shots are always welcome!
So true Ouija! I love seeing pics of characters i recognize! I'm not really a great shooter either, but i still have fun with it!

I like the freshness of this new topic!
The new screenshots of you guys have inspired me to post some of my own. Truly lovely stuff all around!
Evian, my energetic sharp-witted wandering mage, one of my sister′s characters.
Rauros, my holy knight with a grudge
Curdin, my spell-casting wayfarer,
Also:, I didn't touch them, they died like that.Talk about double-motive.
Sacred's race I've been working on(this is actually an older image and the tattoos have become of better quality and variation. Might actually for once release this if people'd like that).
This topic does have a strange air of freshness doesn't it...? I'm happy i'm the one who posted it!

Great shots Art! Love love love Huggle! :lmao:
Hope you stick around! :goodjob:
P.S. When you post links, always use the direct URL! ^_~
I show pride in my characters too.
You just need to practice that's all, I've been screenshooting oblivion since release so I've had plenty of practice to understand what buttons and the scene settings to adjust.
Humble beginnings of
To a current & (well those are slighly outdated too)
OMG! Gad! Those must have been so long ago! And i STILL love Derikan! Thanks for sharing with the relative newbies such as myself!
I love mountains. I really do. And moons too. Specially moons!
I've seen the mod before but I didn't realized it was that cool. And Apachii's store has so much stuff you can get lost there!
A nun outfit would make things even more... uh, never mind.

Lmao, moons would be...? oh, i got it! I remembered GF's old vistion test! ^_~
ha ha, yeah i love all of Mshadowy's stuff! And i know right!? Apachii's store does have a lot of stuff...most of it's a little too... how shall i say... revealing for me so i know exctly what to pick up! ^_~ The loincloth, gauntlets, and boots are sold in Bast's Bar downstairs by Freya! Buy the HGEC brown Fur Loincloth, Fur Boots, and Fur Gauntlets! Can't get lost can ya now Lud...?
Lol, Lud, what ARE you talking about....?
And two more boring shots. Thought the lighting was kinda cool: