Qawsed Asap - Cute hyena use to have one as a pet in :whisper: ....."Guild Wars."
shsssh, don't mention "online games" around here. :shifty:
CyberZeroX - "And another pic of Ri 'Shur" Great effects looks awesome with the moon in the background.
greenwarden - "Cyrodiil's Dating Scene svcks." That screenie is hilarious.

(err, for some people anyway :lmao: )
kewin - Whadda hunk "Archangel Felix" is, WOOT! Hope we see more of him. :drool:
bg2408Many, many thanks . Glad that people like my screenies
Oh I do! I look forward to a quite a few players screenies here either for the humor,
creativity or uniqueness of their characters and yours possess all of these. :thumbsup:
... d'oh! This didn't exactly worked according to plan!
Ouch! It's so sad to see her laying there dead. :cold:
Kalia - Oh Kalia, I wish I could pick a favorite screenie but they all are
FANTASTIC works of art. Such a dreamy, surreal quality to your screenies each one
worthy for the desktop or frame. Thanks for sharing these wonderful, magical
artistic works that we all can aspire to. :trophy:
Ludicrous - I'm impressed with, "Fight With A Smile" my character would
have died with that many foe attacking her.
Yevic - "Lady of the Forest" is
HAWT! Love that particular shade of
green in the gown she's wearing against the green forest, very nice indeed.
Esanthus - "Sneakin' around and such" is an EXCELLENT pic I admire the way
you have captured the feeling and mood very well! I'd love to take a screenie like
that someday working on it anyway. :tops:
elizb - Sorry to hear about your comp trouble but you're off to a great new
start with such a beautiful character, good luck.
death-knowz - The sickening thud of my jaw hitting the floor when I see your
extraordinary screenshots you use incredible imagination to create this wonderful
mystique such a pleasure to view them.
Luchaire - Awesome scenic screenies your sunsets are amazing.
Jonarus Drakus First time up, I present Ylonda Ravena, child of the union between an
Imperial merchant and his Redguard 'bodyguard'.
And what a "perfect union" that was Ylonda Ravena is
very pretty.