Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:33 pm

Nice shots guys! :goodjob:§ion=viewimage&img=1501§ion=viewimage&img=1507
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:27 am

Thanks RedGuard Mage2! My advice is using program like Notepad or Wordpad to cut and paste comment from topic and into the program and just comment there. That what I did.

Yevic - I like how the sun is like that in the Cathedral pic!

Luchaire - A Female redguard, how rare, and good looking!

As for mines:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:20 am

From the deep of the ancient forest, they came to protect mother nature.

Some pics of the wood elven druids:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:25 am
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:28 am

Thanks, Selbeth, they were fun to take. And I like your character a lot too. The second pic was my favorite of the last ones.

I'm glad that you like her, with the large amount of screenshots being posted in this thread, one can't always expect one's screenshots to be commented on, which only makes me appreciate it more when I hear things like this. When I saw that sunset, I felt that I had to find some sort of screenshot to take involving it.

Selbeth_The_Winged_One - Argonian looks decent and that is one tasty looking fish. About them Hyena, there is one that exist, the Hyaenin, but not really that of my favor and I end up making my own version using the Lilmothiit as a template and the striped pattern from Skyrim Khajiit, thus forming a Striped Hyena. Not planning on release it anytime soon though.

Thank you for answering my question, I suppose that, since such modifications are beyond me, it means I wouldn't be able to create a character similar to thzt, but I appreciate it nonetheless.

As to the fish, I think it gives an all new meaning to the phrase "A fish out of water."
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:17 am

Newest character, pure mage no armor skill :celebration:

Any tips on improving her are always welcome :embarrass:

Chareos Rantras
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:08 pm

Outstanding Redguard!

One of those reasons I never play either Redguards or Nords, i just cannot get them that pretty :(
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Enie van Bied
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:08 am

i believe that sword is from the "Real Swords" series of mods. [Real Swords Redgaurd, if i'm not mistaken]

You were not mistaken, found the mod and downloaded it, along with most of the series. Thanks for the info. :)

Very colorful Dunmer. The eyes are amazing!

Thanks, the eyes are my favourite bit of her as well, how they contrast with the skin color and face tattoos. ^^

Can she play Paranoid? :D

A friend's screens:

Amazing screens, each and every one. But this one I nabbed for a desktop wallpaper. If your friend doesn't mind. :)

And I thought Chorrol was a somewhat boring city. :P

And finally the man himself, the Lord of Spells and Archmage of all Tamerial.....

What, Harry Potter goes The Matrix? :D No offense meant of course, he looks way cooler than Harry.

SilverDrake - When I saw this pic, "Bernadette Peneles had a strange feeling of being watched." I thought what do you mean but then I saw the face peering over the wall. LOL :D I love your screenies there is usually something there that makes me laugh. Good job! Good luck on your tour of duty. :tops:

Thank you again! :) And yeah, I am a somewhat pathologically humorous person, sometimes I just can't stay completely serious to save my life. But it's good to know it's not all in vain, at least.

Oh gods, weren't the land dreughs enough? :ahhh:

Sadly I only have one new screenshot for now, and a pretty standard one at that. I just got so carried away I forgot to stop for some screenshooting.
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Jerry Cox
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:21 am

The Further Adventures
Tgerry "Decrepit" Hamkin

(also known as The Gimp, Lackwit and, according to Neeshka, "gutter-minded get of a jackal")

Requisite ingredients in hand we repair to Cheydinhal where during a nearly idyllic morning.

After disposing of its unsavory custodian before heading south afoot.

Information gleaned from provides the means to advance our current commission.

Our task sees us in an underground labyrinth whose

It's often best to get on any given situation.

When it becomes apparent we can not make Leyawiin ere nightfall we solicit sleeping accommodations from Plunder in sight. Commission fulfilled.

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Angel Torres
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:06 am

friend's shots:

It is good to see Mr. Floydian is alive and well. ;]
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:46 am

And I thought Chorrol was a somewhat boring city. :P

Well that was before The Lord of Spells made his primary resedence there and move the guard in with him.
What, Harry Potter goes The Matrix? :D No offense meant of course, he looks way cooler than Harry.

AH yeah don't you see it, not only do Ihave a pony tail, talons, and a long coat with flames, I have prescription SHADES! :)
Sadly I only have one new screenshot for now, and a pretty standard one at that. I just got so carried away I forgot to stop for some screenshooting.

Nice one!

Also can't forget about everyone else, nice work Luch, decrep, asap, rantras, and Spin.

Rantras, I would suggest investing in shield spells, customize spell combo is also key when play a mage. I have several custom area effect Damage over time spells that can slay whole spawns of bandits in a single shot. Very handy. For example 50 damage over 10 feet for 5 seconds does lots of damage. Also learn spell stacking as that can really multiple the damage you deal.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:34 pm
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Mike Plumley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:09 am

She looks so wonderfull!!! When she's wearing the gold & white armor she reminds me of Talhkora, a monk hero of GuildWars.

Rantras, I would suggest investing in shield spells, customize spell combo is also key when play a mage. I have several custom area effect Damage over time spells that can slay whole spawns of bandits in a single shot. Very handy. For example 50 damage over 10 feet for 5 seconds does lots of damage. Also learn spell stacking as that can really multiple the damage you deal.

Ahaa thx for the tips :tops: .

Atm playing thro The Mage's Guild AGAIN, now with OOO+MMM & NO fast travel (guild guide & cart mods)

Here's another of mine:

Chareos Rantras
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:36 am

selene310187, picture 4 is a fascinating character shot.
(I mean that picture: )
There lies a strong touch of melancholia in the scenery and her face expresses a kind of exhaustion, which is not the physical exhaustion after an Arena fight. May be she has already seen to much death in her young life and lost the sweet smell of victory. And may be exactly in this moment she has reached a turning point in her life; but as a pure observer you remain unsure, if she will go into a good or bad direction.
I really like such screen shots, which grab your fantasy and let you stroll around a bit in an imaginary biography of a char. Precioso!
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Robert Garcia
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:19 am
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JUan Martinez
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:33 pm
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Matthew Warren
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:49 pm

friend's shots:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:08 am
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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:13 am

I really like this shot a lot. Wonderfully atmospheric. I also liked that you signed it. ;) There are screenshots in this thread that are works of art and ought to be signed.

Is this a new race you're working on? It's really striking. The way those spikes or ridges start up on the back and continue right out onto the tail is astounding.

This is a great face, Tigreton, full of wonderful expression.
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Marlo Stanfield
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:38 am

Is this a new race you're working on? It's really striking. The way those spikes or ridges start up on the back and continue right out onto the tail is astounding.

I'm pretty sure that's the Demon Hunter race by MKat101. It's on Tesnexus, but I can't link to it, advlt content and what not.
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Syaza Ramali
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:55 am

I'm pretty sure that's the Demon Hunter race by MKat101. It's on Tesnexus, but I can't link to it, advlt content and what not.

Yeah, it's MKat's very awesome race. She gets the credit for it, and for putting up with the considerable liberties that I've taken with it (I've refit/reshaped the ears, moved the tail, resized/reshaped the back spikes, repainted the back... plus reshaped a half dozen outfits/armors to work with the back spikes and tail.)
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Charles Mckinna
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:24 am

mrTomus1 - I like your, Altmer Necromancer Asabel, very interesting face and those effects are awesome.

Luchaire - Shana is strikingly beautiful.

Andaius - Andy's looks so clean-cut in the first few pictures but I knew there was a "bad boy" waiting to come out. :lol: Very nice.

Yevic - "Shadow from Oblivion" cool idea for a pic!

Qawsed Asap - Gorgeous Snow Fox blue eyes are the best color for her.

sunsi - Ahh, I remember them as pets, them hyenas, though I miss them hippos. Oh, and there a handful of people that plays Guild Wars here, just let ya know. Not to mention there are mods base on that game exist!

I got a bit teary-eyed when I saw these mods brings back some happy memories. I downloaded and had them ingame within 5 mins. Here's my character, Stoker Wolff, right after he found the shield notice his (why did Bruce Lee smile when he was fighting :huh: ). And yes, I miss the hippo too got one as a pet then she was gone looked everywhere to find another one I was so disappointed.

spinat - The clothes for your Wood Elven Druids is beautifully detailed and perfect for their particular character, nice shots. :thumbsup:

Chareos Rantras
Elena Starseeker
Any tips on improving her are always welcome

Elena is lovely, CR. As-a-suggestion-only maybe make her a bit more wild looking try some wild haircut or a colorful robe, after all, Mages have reputations as being a little edgy. What to you think? Here take a look at my from Morrowind to give you an idea of what I mean. Just know that any character you make is a work in progress and can evolve as you play them. You have a great looking character and your imagination will slowly make her as you feel she should be. I hope you share her with us often just have fun! :goodjob:

Decrepit - I enjoyed all the screenies with a storyline attached to each one and, "Another cave, another Ogre", was shot from an outstanding perspective.

CyberZeroX - "Playing with effects" those are super effects I love rich colors like reds in a picture it really draws the eye, excellent work.

selene310187, picture 4 is a fascinating character shot.
(I mean that picture: )
There lies a strong touch of melancholia in the scenery and her face expresses a kind of exhaustion, which is not the physical exhaustion after an Arena fight. May be she has already seen to much death in her young life and lost the sweet smell of victory. And may be exactly in this moment she has reached a turning point in her life; but as a pure observer you remain unsure, if she will go into a good or bad direction. I really like such screen shots, which grab your fantasy and let you stroll around a bit in an imaginary biography of a char. Precioso!

You said it very well, Salimbene, the character was a great emotion capture!

Tigerton - When we set out to make a female character we hope she'll look like your exquisite, "fairy", but they never do. She's absolutely gorgeous from head to toe! And "Dz" is a smoldering-eye beauty excellent hair on both girls. :trophy:

Kalia - I enjoyed all the pic's but "Open Wide" stole my heart.

Esanthus - Unique setting for a ship is that a mod? Cool looking character safe place for a pirate to hide away would like to hear his story someday.

RedGuard Mage2
Sunsi, I forgot to thank you for your kind words on a previous post, please forgive me. I know how much work you put into those commentaries, and you are really marvellous at it.

Thanks sunsi for this and the other comments. I know the work it is to post that much.

No thanks needed, friends, we all appreciate the time spent making these screenies even if we don't have the always have the time in r/l to stop and make a comment. :) (notepad comes in handy though for posting at a later date ^_^ )
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Nick Swan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:16 am

Rejoice all, for Gorbug has continued his zany antics! (camera mercifully cuts away while we hear a sickening crunch.)

And lastly a few posing/mugshots I took because the light in that chamber was just too good to pass up. It's the entrance chamber to Wenyandawik, if you want to go shooting there, too. I have Real Lights installed (included in All Natural) though, I'm not sure if the place has the same light without that. I know I wouldn't.

And go we did, into glorious battle.
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Brian Newman
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:00 am

Elena is lovely, CR. As-a-suggestion-only maybe make her a bit more wild looking try some wild haircut or a colorful robe, after all, Mages have reputations as being a little edgy. What to you think? Here take a look at my from Morrowind to give you an idea of what I mean. Just know that any character you make is a work in progress and can evolve as you play them. You have a great looking character and your imagination will slowly make her as you feel she should be. I hope you share her with us often just have fun! :goodjob:

Hmmm I like the concept, was alrdy looking for robe mods but ended up with that skirt Elena was wearing.
Will look for robes asap, alrdy got some inspiration for the look from this magnificent thread ^_^

Very nice work!
I alrdy was in the mood for a barbarian but couldn't rly shape a male Nord face like I wanted it, maybe I should try out Orc B)

Keep it coming guys!!! :hehe:

Chareos Rantras
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:06 pm

"Time to die again, you abomni... aboim... abmo... You ugly thing!"

"Wait, did I leave the gas on at home?" Gorbug thought as the undead horror collapsed to a heap.

Who needs wooden stakes when you have IRON FISTS!?


These three screenies just cost you a keyboard, SilverDrake, lol :D 'cuse me, got to go refill my coffee cup..... -_-

Chareos Rantras
Hmmm I like the concept, was alrdy looking for robe mods but ended up with that skirt Elena was wearing.
Will look for robes asap, alrdy got some inspiration for the look from this magnificent thread

Cool, can't wait to see what you come up with. :celebration:
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