Can she play Paranoid?

No, but if you listen closely while staring at the pic you can just faintly hear "
Has he lost his mind? Can he see or is he..." etc. Or if it's Saturday night, "
She was a fast a machine, she kept her motor clean, she was the best damned woman that I.." etc.
Handsome character!
Rejoice all, for Gorbug has continued his zany antics!... OMEGA SNIPPAGE!
Not gonna even try to pick a favorite, because I enjoyed them all. :rofl: I dig his pretty circlet too- Gorbug knows his accessories.
Another try after browsing the web searching for robe mods:
I really liked this robe and it's design:
This is more of a long skirt but it standed out near the water (shouldve taken a blue colorish one)
I think a pose mod would improve the quality of my screens... *runs off again in his never ending quest for mods*
Chareos Rantras
Hehe, I know the feeling. Never enough pose mods. And she looks pretty fetching, particularly in the regal red and black gown. :twirl:
(mrTomus1 @ Sep 20 2009, 03:04 PM)
This one is wonderfully cinematic without being over the top. Beautiful.