Redguard Mage2 - Wow, just WOW!!! Those screenies are super-fantastic I love the
colors and the characters are beautiful and not the same-ol-same-ol. Thanks for
sharing those exceptional images gives us all a new level to reach for. :trophy:
Kalia - Great screenies as always.
AndyTbone - Andii, is a beautiful character and I like the way you have spelled her
name so uniquely.
EpF - I agree, Sotonhorian Armour, is a very nice armor I like the gold tone overlayed
on the dark brown. :tops:
nicoroshi - I've never seen a shot like your Matrix screenie how interesting and
CyberZeroX - Number three is a nice one! :nod:
Vevic - Love that screenie called, "Shadow", perfectly done. (Same with the screenie, "Assassin" that you posted while I was preparing this post) :trophy:
Ludicrous - thanks for sharing the armor link downloaded it yesterday but haven't
had a chance to see it ingame yet looks great in your screenies. (Enjoyed your action shots that you posted while I was preparing my post

kewin - "The Alchemist" is a masterpiece! :trophy:
urrl - She's quite lovely I love the Oriental look you don't see many good ones made
for this game and yours is exquisite. :bowdown:
Tigreton - You are master at making and presenting some of the most amazingly
beautiful woman who also seem to possess presence, remarkable. In your next set
of screenies the one where she's riding a armored horse looks little an old painting.
Love it! :trophy:
Decrepit - I enjoyed all your screenies but, "Another one bites the dust" shows the
moment of impact spectacularly, nice capture.
WoKeN - I don't usually take too much notice of someone's avvy I like really like yours he's very distinguished looking.
Tabris93 - I especially admire a player who is capable of creating a beautiful character using just vanilla Oblivion because it's not like they made it easy for us in that regard. So your character, Anne, gets my applause for being such a beauty, great job! :clap:
WhoGuru - Shurstra Oussval, is lovely and I don't think she looks like she wants to kick someone's butt, lol