» Fri May 27, 2011 3:46 am
The Adventures of
Decrepit & Neeshka
Ambush Outside Bravil
I began today's session somewhat burned out with screen-shots. Don't take me wrong. I enjoy documenting and sharing my Cyrodiilian adventures and don't intend to stop. But I now often find myself doing more documenting than adventuring. That can't be right. Additionally, it must be said that my most recent image-posting here is somewhat lackluster. I therefore resolved to concentrate on game-play and capture images only in exceptional circumstances.
Seeking "The Robe of Lust" necessitates, as do most Kragenir adventures, much travel. We are currently tasked with canvassing various heads-of-state on the whereabouts of informants. It's an arduous undertaking for those who shun fast-travel, with many hours spent asaddle*.
Waking from a much needed night's sleep in Verona House, early morning passed stowing excess gear and selling plunder. That done, Neeshka (just back from visiting an Imperial City armorer...what's up with that?) in tow, we acquired transport at Verona's stables and rode south toward Bravil via Red Ring Road.
The journey proved uneventful. Oh, we encountered the usual roadside riffraff, but nothing we couldn't best with ease. Alas, Count Terentius knew nothing of our quarry. With heavy hearts and hurting hineys we re-mounted and continued south. Then it happened.
Beyond the Bravil bypass a faint green-tinted gleam alerts us to glass-clad banditry lurking ahead. We dismount, unsheathe and, swords in hand, rush forward to assail our imprudent adversary. Enroute I get to thinking. It is a beautiful sunshiny day. Bravil stands not far North. The Niben flows to our left. With proper positioning this could be an excellent screen-shot opportunity. What harm that? Resolve broken, I decide to let Neeshka handle the fighting while I keep close watch, finger on the tilde. Should a promising situation materialize I'm ready to capture the action. The foe succumbs one way or the other and we ride on, none the worse for wear.
I am fortunate in tilde'ing good combat stances right away. I "tai" Neeshka. Then, before I can click the bandit, .... DING .... my anti-virus auto-update kicks in. (I gotta disable that!) Oblivion doesn't crash, but the mouse-pointer freezes. I can not "tai" the bandit. Thankfully, the keyboard works. I hit tilde, come out of command-mode, and find the mouse responsive.
The mob, still active, proceeds to a totally non-photogenic location. Shot ruined, I prepare to unfreeze Neeshka. Then, at the last possible moment, it suddenly shifts in front of her again. Up comes the console. With both Neeshka and bandit locked I back off and examine surrounding. Yes, this has potential. I get a rough idea of where to place myself, move into position, and strike the outlaw until freezing a decent combat pose. Third person. "Tfc". "Tm". "Tai" on myself. Back off and ensure all is well. Find suitable camera position. Time to shoot.
Or not. Out of nowhere appears a wandering NPC, who places herself squarely between us and the bandit and will not budge. Foiled again! Admitting defeat I free myself and prepare to do likewise with the others. Then, for some odd reason, I decide to give the NPC a push. Upon doing so she moves to the bandit's flank and attacks. I yet again bring up the console for a suitable action freeze. "Tai" NPC. Back off and check results. Nice. I again assume position. Third-person. Bandit struck. (Bandit dead, but at this point it doesn't matter.) Tilde. "Tfc". "Tm". Fine-tune position. "Tai" on myself. Back off. Find suitable camera position. All's well. Time to shoot.
And this time I do, as seen above. It's not perfect, but not bad by any means. I'm rather pleased, especially considering what I went through for it.
So much for less capturing and more questing.
*Okay, so asaddle isn't a legitimate word. It ought to be!