» Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:29 am
Ping problems occur in "all games" .. if someone has a 200+ ping in the game, then expect that, does'nt matter if it's Crysis 2 or CounterStrike, that just happens. I fortunately have an extremely high bandwidth connection ( 50 mbps down / 10 mbps up ), but it still happens to me too. I've been playing, running from someone shooting me, gotten behind a slab of concrete, just to die 5 ft behind it and say "WTH!?!"
It happens.. only thing you can do is try and find a server with players that have all low pings, play on a server than has 'ping limits' on it, or just deal with it. I know that currently that is hard to do because there are not alot of servers filled up with tons of players. Do you know of anyone that has a server that has ping limits on it? We've got 15 CounterStrike servers, on 5 of them we have set "Ping Limits" on them, one has a ping limit of 65ms, two have 100ms, and the other two have 150ms. If anyone's ping goes over those values, the server auto-kicks them. It makes a wonderful difference too, when I play on the 20 person server that has 65ms or under, it's wonderful smooth game play and the hitboxes are all way right on target.
Personally, I have not experienced any major lag issues in Crysis 2 yet. I've had a few instances of dying after I got behind protection, I've seen some people "warping" (one second he's there, the next he's 30 ft away), and have had 3 "lag outs" .. other than that, not to bad.
Even with higher pings, the servers should have pretty smooth game play because they are not overloaded with massive amounts of players.
All I can say is... you ever been "duck hunting"? When I go duck hunting with my brother-in-law in Texas in the marshes, and their are hunters everywhere blasting away @ ducks, they come by flying zig zagging and going between 30 mph to 50 mph, only way to kill them is to "lead them" by a few feet. So, once you identify the "high pingers" .. then "lead them"! (lol?)