ping differences-how they mess up the gameplay

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:59 am

Hi guys,
do you habe the same problem?! Normally my ping on german servers (my home country is germany) is round about 10-20 and you compete with players that come from somewhere else and have a ping mostly over 200. So i experience the following: i see an enemy and shot a hole magazin at him. i hear the sound which is supposed to indicate a hit at an enemy target. the enemy turns around and gives me a two hitter and i'm dead. in the killcam i see all my shoots missing the target although i am sure my red dot never even left the enemy player.
Actually i think its time to barry this game. Im really frustrated and angry every time i play it. the bugs and and cheating problems are really taking all the fun out of it.
Looking forward to bf 3. at least for this game i actually have to get a new rig. ^^
good bye crysis. r.i.p.

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Nick Tyler
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:20 am

You arenot alone with regards to that problem. It is a regular occurence for me. There are few games in which I have played where everything just works. The other problem I have is being shot at with no indication that i am taking damage until the fatal shot.
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Ally Chimienti
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:29 am

Ping problems occur in "all games" .. if someone has a 200+ ping in the game, then expect that, does'nt matter if it's Crysis 2 or CounterStrike, that just happens. I fortunately have an extremely high bandwidth connection ( 50 mbps down / 10 mbps up ), but it still happens to me too. I've been playing, running from someone shooting me, gotten behind a slab of concrete, just to die 5 ft behind it and say "WTH!?!"

It happens.. only thing you can do is try and find a server with players that have all low pings, play on a server than has 'ping limits' on it, or just deal with it. I know that currently that is hard to do because there are not alot of servers filled up with tons of players. Do you know of anyone that has a server that has ping limits on it? We've got 15 CounterStrike servers, on 5 of them we have set "Ping Limits" on them, one has a ping limit of 65ms, two have 100ms, and the other two have 150ms. If anyone's ping goes over those values, the server auto-kicks them. It makes a wonderful difference too, when I play on the 20 person server that has 65ms or under, it's wonderful smooth game play and the hitboxes are all way right on target.

Personally, I have not experienced any major lag issues in Crysis 2 yet. I've had a few instances of dying after I got behind protection, I've seen some people "warping" (one second he's there, the next he's 30 ft away), and have had 3 "lag outs" .. other than that, not to bad.

Even with higher pings, the servers should have pretty smooth game play because they are not overloaded with massive amounts of players.

All I can say is... you ever been "duck hunting"? When I go duck hunting with my brother-in-law in Texas in the marshes, and their are hunters everywhere blasting away @ ducks, they come by flying zig zagging and going between 30 mph to 50 mph, only way to kill them is to "lead them" by a few feet. So, once you identify the "high pingers" .. then "lead them"! (lol?)
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dean Cutler
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:15 am

Actually Crysis 2 has less online lag than most other games when playing in foreign servers
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:07 pm

Frankly most EA's FPS servers are better than most other shooters in terms of server condition/ lag problem.

It's inevitable, but it's at least better than other FPSs

BFBC2 and COD has still many players near me fortunately.
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Natalie Harvey
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:13 pm

Holy ****, this is the worst lag/netcode i've seen since Metal Gear Online. And anyone who seriously played that game knows it's extremely laggy.

i'm sick of going out of my way to find low ping servers(I'm always less than 170 and 90% of the time <100 ping)
Only to have a bunch of people with 200-800 Pings and having them warp all over the place, or I melee them twice +shoot them and they turn around and smack me once with full health and I die after I should've killed them.

It's **** pathetic
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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:01 am

I think this game's netcode is very good. Even in a server with everyone having 200 ping, the game doesn't lag or feel "BS". I think the cheaters are a worse problem.
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Rachie Stout
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:22 am

As one that pings 60 at times, and 300 at other times, I can't really see what you guys are all talking about.
Of course, there's that problem of people with >200 ping being behind, and thus being able to see you before you see them.

But you see, that 'advantage' comes at the price of hit delays. Which, to be honest - can be quite the mess.

And for your information, I can't really say I perform better with 300 ping than I do with 60. It's quite the opposite!

Not to mention, I never really have experienced that "super lagger luck streak" you talk about.
Because I usually get nailed as I get to cover, because I'm behind and thus an easy target.

Why? Because as I said, I'm ~2 seconds behind the game.
And thus I'm ~2 seconds worth of movement behind my current cover.


And I too think the game's netcode is brilliant, because I have played games with far worse netcodes.
Let's just say it's not fun to be jittered back into your previous position, as it's quite off-throwing.
(Imagine having your view at someone, firing - but only to find out that you just got WHACKED back and you shoot a wall.)
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laila hassan
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:43 pm

I think should punish the players with high lag. That way 400 in ping wont be to your advantage...
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Alexx Peace
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:53 am

Crysis 2 tends to favor people with high ping. I'm not stating this as a know fact but out of personal experience. Playing with ping 200 is actually easier than playing with ping 40, it's easier to get kills and it's easier to stay alive I often see players with ping 200-300 top the scoreboards. They come on the server and goes on a killing spree ending up with a 25-3 score simply because it's almost impossible to kill them. As have been said. it's very frustrating to put a full clip into another player and they just turn around and kill you by just looking at you.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:42 am

High ping isn't a new problem. In BC2, when I have ping at ~100, I see so many people at 200-300.
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