OK so I guess I paid all of the extra money for a glorified phone case. It is very cheaply made and is quick to fall apart. When I opened it one of the cheap nobs was broke, one of the two lights (only functional features) was pushed into the pip boy and probably will remain stuck there and the cheap foam on the inside is already coming apart from the rest of it. One would say that it is at least still good for display. Well no the display stand is also a cheap piece of crap that showed up broke. Way to rip off your fans, I have seen better quality in McDonalds happy meal toys. Now days you can get an android for $30 and with all of the money you charged for the pip boy addition you send out this garbage. You could have made stand alone pip boys with the money you charged. Well fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I will never be buying your special additions ever again. Just the plain game for me for now on. I hope you enjoy that extra money you made from your pip boy scam.
Sincerely a disappointed customer