Yes, and we can see that Salem and Quincy are both in the game.
I for one can't wait to get all those Bright Ideas... whatever they are.
From a certain point of view, I am playing Fallout 4 right now. Eep! I like the look of the map, seems pretty diverse. Still getting the hang of Atomic Command... kinda neat that we'll be able to play those holotape games away from our console, if I'm playing Fallout 4 itself there's no way I'm wasting that on arcade games.
Yes, the phone is what needs to be connected wirelessly.
Not sure your level of knowledge so don't think I'm talking down to you with this description of how local network works:
Think of your router your own little phone company. Every device that connects on your network (regardless of how it connects), needs to get a phone number (IP) from the router. Once it has a number the devices can "call" each other through the router.
The App honestly doesn't make sense when you'll get Fallout 4, because honestly, you're wasting time to stop, look at your wrist/hand, click on the app, wait for it to load, then switch to the section you want to be in. Why? Just press the Tab button and click, bam, you're done. Useless App, honestly.
it's still wasting time, because you're literally stopping in the middle of it all while looking down (I don't know anyone who just slams the W key while looking away, that usually leads to grim, yet hilarious, deaths), when you can just Tab, click, done, go back to gaming. I'm guessing this app is just for PIp-boy users to increase...immersion I guess? "It's like I'm really there!"
and you can't muddle around with it, honestly, you're just glancing through your inventory, quests, map, etc. You're not really doing anything epic such as outfitting your character and whatnot.
Todd said it's a gimmick... Just like the Pip Boy itself and Codsworth saying your name. It's just meant to add to it but not necessarily be any kind of main function.
It is made mostly for the cool factor. That it is useless does not really matter as it is free. Who knows, maybe someone will even find some use for it.
Honestly, I've played a few games that have companion apps - I don't find I actually use the app while I'm playing all that often. (Like you, it's easier for me to tab over to my inventory in-game than bring up my phone.)
For the record, I think you may be able to equip and manage your inventory and everything else with the app. In other companion games like this you're able to set waypoints through your phone and change equipment, at least.
What I do like for companion apps is that I find I use it more often when I'm away from the game and I think that's often pretty neat. You can play the holotape game you've found on your phone app (and I'll probably be more likely to play those tapes when I'm not playing Fallout 4.) Or look over your notes and examine the map, etc. In other words - it's not just for when you're sitting at the game playing Fallout 4, it also works when you're away. (Or at least, companion apps for other games do - obviously I don't know exactly how this will function. But in other similar apps it just runs off the last time you connected to the game and then updates when you reconnect to the game.)
Holy crap are you using it with your leaked copy of Fallout 4???
oh right. you're just guessing
You can't equip your equipment yet... because, unless you have the game already... you can only play in demo mode. Which has a stock inventory. I'm sure once you actually synch up to the game you can do just about everything the pipboy can.