That's what i was thinking too. I guess it can be useful for checking some things quick, if it really does update in real time.
What I find strange is that there are no icons for weapons (while apparel has a dynamic character model)
Zerg I don't have a Pip Boy, and I plan on keeping this open on my tablet just to see what it can do for me.
For you to say it is useless for you is fine. Don't use it. But for you to say it is useless for everyone is both a stretch and presumptuous.
I seriously doubt people can get a use out of it, It just feels awkward or...redundant? No idea. It feels out of place when something else does it, but eh, it's there I suppose.
Nice hostility, I'll keep that in mind.
Ohh I forgot about the holotape games, that might give it a use, say for example: "Oh I want to play Fallout already, any will do, but damnit to hell, I'm at work/college on break, so I can't do it now...maybe some Red Menace will calm the nerves".
Again, it's hard to say not, because how will literally looking away from the game, opening the app, waiting for it to load (Some phones/tablets lock you down after several minutes of no use, kicking out of the app), and then flipping through it, when you can Press Tab and be done with it. Like nu_clear_day stated, which is the only thing I can see as an option is playing the holotape Pip Boy games when you're away from the main source, time sinkers, basically for giggles.
Time sinkers, for giggles. Oh - like what video games are? (Sorry - couldn't resist...)
You can usually change setting for apps like these to keep the phone from sleeping (or in the case of every smartphone I've used, if the screen does turn off it comes right back up after turning back on without having to reload the whole app.) Most of my experience with these things has been with the Assassin's Creed games (and I think Mass Effect 3 had one too.)
It hasn't ever been a problem with loading times when I've wanted to make use of it while gaming. In the case of Mass Effect 3, you also had access to any of the codex entries you'd found, which made for good bathroom reading if nothing else. (I would hope, for example, an Elder Scrolls app would give you access to your library of books for the same reason.)
Huh...That's weird. I remember they showed 3D models of weapons in the Pip-Boy menu in the Quakecon Demo.
Yeah, but it takes a bit more memory to show the 3D model of your heavily-modded-from-multiple-pieces gun in a smartphone app than a couple of icons for different armors. You'll have to bring up your in-game pip-boy to see that, I think.
I plan to put it in map-mode, and set it in front of me just below my monitor. It will act as a pseudo-mini-map, since it does update in real-time. I'll leave the phone plugged in (so it always has power), and have the settings adjusted so that it doesn't go into sleep mode, or lock while I am playing. Then, when I get up from my computer, I'll take the phone with me so I can review my quest-notes, look at the game map, play the mini-games, look over my gear/character/whatever.
Maybe I'll use it to show my accomplishments off to my wife or my friends. It's certainly a convenient way to compare accomplishments with other Fallout players when away from the computer/console.
You may not use it, but I think I will. I may not use the Pip-Boy replica I'm getting - but, I kinda need a few decorations for my office anyway. And, should the opportunity arise that I need a costume for an event - I will have at least part of it already.
It's pretty cool but most of its features are not very useful. I love the idea of a real time map and then only other useful function (for console users) is an extremely elaborate stimpak hotkey. So at least that's two decent excuses to sellotape my tablet to my arm haha
Honestly i don't think the Android version is suposed to be out. Somebody screwed up and Beth is probably livid right now.
They're just giving Apple users a taste of the Fallout: Shelter medicine
Just got it, kinda svcks you can't do much in the DEMO ver but that is to be expected when you do not have the game in hand XD Still really nice, wish the radio section worked.
Possibly. They have yet to announce anything about it on social media, which they usually do.
Unfortunately, I too use iOS.
I have it on my HTC phone but I'll be using it on my iPad when playing the game. It's just a shame I can't check it out right now on the iPad. I NEEEEEED it!