It would either melt or explode every time you tried to click on the link to the fallout forum
And if you went to that one
other Fallout forum, it would go nuclear. :nuke:
Personally I would liked to have seen the return of the Pipboy 2000. In Fallout 3 when you receive your Pipboy 3000, if you speak to Stanley he tells you they can't come off because of biometric seals or something and starts telling you about how hard they are to get off the dead people. I know you're given the Pipboy 3000 by Doc Mitchel at the start of the game, but considering how hard they are to get off, it seems like they would be quite valuable and not something that you would just give away for free to a stranger.
There was a Pipboy PDA mod for Fallout 3, so hopefully someone will bring the Pipboy 2000 back.
Everything in Fallout 3 about the Pipboy 3000's biometric locks suggests its hard to take them off
dead people. Biometric seals can mean almost anything - it might take a thumb print, retina scan, and voice match (possibly with password) to unlock for the user. There is nothing to suggest that a living Pipboy user can't remove the device if they want to. Every instance we hear of people going to extreme measures to get one off, it was in relation to dead elderly people or to the insane (Gary) who probably was unwilling to remove his Pipboy or far to gone to remember how by the time the BOS caught up with him.
Biometric seals are a smart idea for device that has keeps all your information and secrets on it, and is valuable to boot. Biometric seals can't be unlocked conventionally after a users death help prevent users from getting specifically for the devices. It would dumb and impractical for a user never to be able to remove it. Likely the removal of a Pipboy was just frowned upon for the reasons I've previously mentioned.
As to why Doc Mitchel would impart such a valuable gift of tech to a stranger, I believe we will find he has his own agenda and motives for helping the player.