your ideas for what they should add to the pipboy
1. caculator
2. notes
3. checklist
What? What use would a calculator be? I mean, I have one on my phone, but I use it like once a year, if that. Notes are updated automatically for quests and locations on the map already, and what do you mean by checklist? Like a To-Do-List? Wouldn't that fall under notes?
I vote for either a stopwatch, or an in-game clock. In hardcoe mode, you should be able to time when you'll need to sleep and eat, etc. or knowing how long it will take to fast travel somewhere, and what time it will be when you arrive. Perhaps be able to tie notes in with your in-game alarms, saying, "It's almost bedtime! You have one hour to find a bed."
This. The Pipboy 2000 had a clock, why not the Pipboy 3000? They could do it like in Fallout 1 and 2 where the clock was where you chose to rest or wait. Speaking of which, it would be great if they added the ability to wait/sleep until "morning, noon, evening, midnight" etc. like they had in Fallout 1 and 2. That way you wouldn't need to do the arithmetic every time you choose to wait or sleep until a certain time of day (thus eliminating that need for a calculator

One of the mods I always use in Fallout 3 is a time display mod. It helps to be able to see how long it is until dark or daybreak, or how long you are spending in those metro tunnels (an eternal purgatory is the correct answer by the way . . . .).