Hi. I had searched for topics related to this prior to posting, but thought it would be easier to just make a thread related.
I had bought a PipBoy Edition on eBay, thankfully for not too more expensive than the MSRP. Upon receiving it, I had noticed some notable scratches on the pipboy in shipping while the foam appeared to already be torn pretty nicely on the interior. The main box also had some scratches on it. The seller bought insurance on the shipment, but did not provide me with a purchase reciept and claimed to me that there was not one.
Can't exactly take this to a store, so I'm trying to weigh my options. I had contacted the seller asking one more time if there was no reciept, telling him that I did not blame him but the shipping instead (which I do.) Has anyone had any luck with contacting Bethesda in relation to issues with theirs that I have seen on here? Should a purchase reciept be completely required to recieve help through them and should I just try to ask anyway? Should I opt to just attempt to contact the post since there was insurance on the shipment?
Thanks for the help.