Hey all, I have no idea where else to turn; EB/Gamestop told me 'svcks to be you'. If I posted in the wrong place, Admin/Overseer, please take pity on me and move it/
The Day before E3 I put down my pre-order for F4 at the Sunshine Plaza Electronics Botuque store, Queensland, Australia. They refused to accept more then the $10AUD deposit.
Next day, Pipboy Edition was announced, and sold out here in Australia <22 hours.
Just heared back; apparently due to a "clerical error" they didn't upgrade my order because the clerk refused to accept the $50 that they need 'to upgrade in case a collector's edition'.
Is there another way for me in Australia to get the actual Pip-Boy edition here in Australia?
I feel like I paid for my place in the vault; only to be told "no place for you" after the Bombs start falling...