I see what you say, but I don't think the map as it is will help of much, If they get to do that on FO4 they will need to add way much space for sailing.
I don't know maybe I'm wrong and they take it out and I end up loving It.
I see what you say, but I don't think the map as it is will help of much, If they get to do that on FO4 they will need to add way much space for sailing.
I don't know maybe I'm wrong and they take it out and I end up loving It.
Play Blag Flag...I'm not a fan of AC games but the pirating is fun in that one.
I would either like boats on water, or under water bases, or the flying airships duke it out in the air.
I've been working on something just like you mentioned since FO3.. as soon as the CK is available I'll be continuing work on it
This would be a great minor 5 dollar DLC honestly. I hope Bethesda catches this. I rather have pirates stuff to do in Fallout 4 than to buy Black Flag for my pirate-craving...
Bethesda can easily do it too and heck, they can look at the pirate mod for Skyrim. (We all know that Bethesda knows about our mods after-all).
But anyways, ye'h. This DLC can be about buying ye' own ship and sailing off to explore the radiated sea, finding random islands/loot or possibly other Wasteland Pirates going across the sea! Would be very fun and if they want to go with the idea of adding a new settlement/house where the boat is going to be, then I'll be all for it and might even live there. Actually, there's already a perfect settlement right now that they can just put the boat at. Just the roof of the house itself needs to be repairable. I would love to live in that house if it had a better roof cause then I'll be in a house and own a lighthouse + docks. (+ the ship that's already there but the new pirate ship can easily replace that one).
People long ago found out the advantage of lightning fast attacks from boats onto seaside villages. They were so scary they show up in almost all ancient histories from the Bible to Vikings. Besides with raider activity increasing it would make sense for merchants and settlers to try and take to the seas, and thus a response from raiders to commandeer boats and begin full blown water piracy and waterbourne settlement raiding.
None of this is lore breaking for fallout. If there can be airships, boats are pretty simplistic.
Being that the water is radioactive doesn't mean that being on a boat makes it any more dangerous than being on the land unless you fall off, which pirates and sea going people tend to work against. There's also one part of the game where you do go really deep into the glowing sea, so survival is possible even without a vessel. Humanity has at its nature the ability to adapt, I don't see why this adaptation wouldn't be natural.
Because historically raiders and pirates didn't only attack other ships? The value of waterbourne lightning attacks onto seaside settlements was recognized thousands and thousands of years ago.
I would hope as new settlements as part of a DLC. Not to mention with land raiders being a growing menace settlers and merchants would be better off trying to attempt the seas, up until raiders figured it out too, and then you have the classic ship to ship piracy as well. If we're talking about a DLC why would those settlements have to exist already? It's like saying Dragonborn can't exist because Solstheim wasn't in the game yet.
No, they don't. Their is a huge difference between Raiders and Bandits. Bandits are people whom are out for themselves (either solo or group) and are just doing what is necessary to survive.
Raiders are creatures which enjoy cruelty to both human beings and one another. They'll raid merchants, and such, true. They do need to survive but they go far beyond that to the point of having deep (possibly even sixual at times) desires and pleasures of seeing human beings in pain, blood being spill everywhere, etc (have you seen their decorations and listen to what they say while both in combat and not in combat?). They are flat-out monsters that deserves nothing but death.
A bandit is at least a human being who you can communicate with and possibly work with, arrest, or help. And maybe even have a story on why he, she, or they are going against the law.
I actually really like this idea. The whole quest with the robots on the boat could maybe expand into a pirate DLC of some kind. I remember the jokes about "Fallout 4: Black Flag" because of the boat, kinda' want to see a DLC called that. XD
We don't need to be Blackjack and be part of a terrible story.
I've actually heard a decent amount of dialogue from raiders outside of combat talking about the life they've chosen and the guilt they have when killing people. Saying things such as "I wish that last one didn't beg, it was either him or me. Hopefully the next one is quick" or "I hope this is all over soon, but until then, this is what I have to do". Something like that for the last one, but it further adds to the point that some raiders aren't happy about what they're doing. While others are the ones putting heads on spikes and in water coolers.
I've never heard any of that from a Raider. From Mercenaries, yes. But not from Raiders. From what I've established (after reading logs and seeing them), a true Raider is a creature born from the Wasteland, after it has stole everything that the previous human being had. And I'm not talking about items but other things from hopes, dreams, wishes, sanity, intelligence even, etc. Basically, everything that made it originally a human being except for taking away the body.
Uh...okay. Sure.
But that's the dialogue I've heard when going through ruins and such that exclusively have raiders in them. Take from that what you will with your...creature theory.
Jackals, Vipers, Khans are all very human raiders who pillage and plunder for survival, or wierd cultic reasons. The people throughout the Fallout games have referred to any bandit as a raider. The 80's weren't insane animals either, but raiders nonetheless. Throughout the games the raiders appear as organized gangs, and in some cases the lower members are bothered by what their leaders have them do (heard it in a holotape in 3 or NV, can't remember). I'm not sure where someone would get the idea they're not human anymore and thus can't function on higher levels. They do, and have throughout all the games, even in 4, expressed guilt and loss in private conversations. Logs you find written by people who have been attacked are obviously painting them a certain way, but that's not quite the reality for them. Sneak and just listen a bit. What Legion says is 100% true. Raiders do say those things. Actual raiders. I've heard Psychos saying things like that.
Pirates? Wh-what? There are no working boats (and if there are, they would be full of radiation), and coastal settlements are useless.
This is not overthinking or nitpicking, it's how a writer should work. You don't do things just because they're ''cool''.