I'm running into an error related to Frost Monarch animation class, here is the message in full...
Model Load Error: Meshes\plx_crt\FrostMonarch.nif cannot load file in Meshes\plx_crt\FrostMonarch.nif.
Will use the default object Marker_Error.NIF.
Creature "plx_frost_monarch00000000" has no animation groups.
Morrowind will crash!
Actor Animation problem with "plx_frost_monarch00000000".
This actor has no Animation class!
Anyone else run into this whilst using this mod? I'm not sure if its because I'm using the Silt Strider sound fixed version by Abot.
Would I be able to just go into the CS and delete plx_frost_monarch under creatures? Or could I simply raise the level it appears to something way more than I'd ever reach?