Hello my good men,my name is Timothy LaRouche and I am not ashamed to admit that I am a Pirate when I am not out in the rough seas you can usually catch me at Anvil docks,Myself and my fellow pirates left Morrowind due to abuse and being frowned upon we moved to Oblivion a few years back it was great until recently people accuseing us of things the Argonians a Kajits usually got the blame for with anti-racism and such now it seems like the public have turned to me and my merry men Phil taylor Fedor Antonio Nogeura and little nog what shoud I do?
First you need to use punctuation, that is one long-ass sentence. Dark Brotherhood I suppose, lawlessness seems equal to Pirates, strictly in a broad overview.
If http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLsJyfN0ICU and indeed wish to spin yer yarrrns of tales of the high seas, please use the RP sections as linked above.