» Sat Apr 09, 2011 1:15 pm
I think nautical themes would contrast brilliantly with the harsh barbarian-like inland. It would be great, ships, a symbol of trade and exploration, attract students and gentlefolk from around skyrim, while the land-bound brave the unnerving climates and weather to stick to their father's tradition in the harsh world within the wastes, shunning the weak who flee to the coasts. Constant skirmishes break out between the nomadic warrior tribes of the inland and the well equipped soldiers of the coast, leaving the nation rife with civil war. The battles would rage on until a great evil springs from over the mountaintop... All weapons are dropped and foe stood by foe, all quarrel forgotten as they faced an even greater enemy. Alduin, world-eater, has returned!
of course, that's a bit too much to hope for...