Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:43 pm

Here is a quick recap of events leading up to tonight's post:

MARCH: Crytek releases unfinished product

APRIL: Numerous glitches are reported that hamper gameplay

APRIL: Crytek releases an 8MB patch that addresses only a handful of minor glitches

MAY: Crytek ignores customer complains

JUNE: Crytek ignores customer complaints

JULY: Crytek ignores customer complaints

AUGUST: Crytek ignores customer complaints

SEPTEMBER: Dedication achievement is found to be glitched; Crytek ignores customer complaints

OCTOBER: Crytek ignores customer complaints, begins deleting posts regarding complaints

Important information was deleted sometime early this morning. I posted 4 Twitter accounts and asked others to complain via Twitter by Tweeting these accounts:

@Crysis, @CryJR, @Cry_Tom, @CRYTEK_TIAGO

Use the hashtags #Crytek, #Homefront, #Timesplitters to disrupt their business by hindering the use of their Twitter accounts as a promotional tool until answers are received. Would-be customers will be put off by seeing 100s of complaints about support and product quality when these hashtags are browsed around the release of the next big game. I encourage you to use the hashtags even if you aren't tweeting @ the devs. General comments on your accounts concerning product quality and support are also effective!


**KEYWORDS FOR GOOGLE SEARCH** (so others seeking answers can find these posts)
Crytek, Crap, Glitch, Grain, Bug, Garbage, Scam, Ripoff, Disgruntled, Dedication, Nanosuit, Consoles, Xbox, PS3, Buggy, Bad, Fix, Demand, CryEngine 3, Germany, UK, No Support, Patch, Homefront, Crysis, Timesplitters
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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:42 pm


First off I would like to thank you for bringing this timeline to my attention. It's easy to forget just how long precisely Crytek has been ignoring their customers. After this long of a wait and a growing intolerance by it's fairly dedicated community, I have decided that justice must be enacted. It is unacceptable to create a forum for a community to discuss a game, and then delete posts that the customers make each passing day that Crytek decides to ignore them. Let me ask you this. What if I bought a product, such as an HDTV, and some of the pixels were broken. Or the circuitry inside was badly wired and therefore caused it to short out. And what if they spent forever and ever coming to fix said TV. Would it be acceptable if my persistent calls to the customer service call center was met with a "stop calling us, it'll be fixed when we decide to fix it, and if you keep calling then we block your number?"

WOULD YOU TOLERATE THAT? The answer is a NO. So, would you tolerate it if Crytek releases an UNFINISHED PRODUCT and then throws it out onto shelves, and then REFUSES to fix it remotely after weeks and weeks of customer dissatisfaction? I really don't think you, or I, or anybody else here (including CryTom) should.

There could only be TWO reasons why they haven't patched this yet.
1. They are flat out ignoring the people who buy their product, and subsequently put food on the table in front of their overweight wives and misbehaved, possibly autistic children.
2. It has not been brought to the attention of those who are in power to fix the achievement. Now this would raise the question of why even have a community website? What kind of job are these so called "moderators" doing if they aren't reporting back their community impressions to the developer. It's one thing if they didn't bring it to their attention that some guy didn't like the way a gun sounds, or the weather effects in the game. But a glitch like this? COME ON CRYTEK. I AM DISAPPOINT.

Now, I see that my two business day ultimatum period has come and gone. I am with you my friend. Let is blow up their twitter feeds and pollute all their future endeavors with complaints of unfinished products and bad customer support. Futhermore, I propose that if within a couple of days - this has not got their attention, we start drafting letters and mailing them out to Cryteks HQ, along with every employee who's email addresses we can get a hold of. This farce goes on no longer.

Let this be a lesson to all who stand in our way. THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT.

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Carolyne Bolt
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:23 pm

They started deleting posts and topics since the first open beta began. I found out a lot of topics where I had posted too, were deleted during back then.
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Mimi BC
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:52 pm

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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:22 am

1. They are flat out ignoring the people who buy their product, and subsequently put food on the table in front of their overweight wives and misbehaved, possibly autistic children.

You sir are a dimwitted, ignorant, brainless, imbecile.

Where the hell are the mods with this type of comment???

Duke, you really want this idiot supporting you?
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:46 pm

Well, I am not asking for support on my behalf. I am asking for support on behalf of the cause, so yes, I do want him supporting the cause - appropriately. However, I cannot control what he posts. Cry_Tom will edit it or delete it shortly I'm sure.
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Leticia Hernandez
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:11 pm

Okay all this is quite entertaining, but i seriously doubt they will do anything about it.
Don't get me wrong, i'd LOVE a good 50 mb patch what would fix the **** needed to fix. But the only thing Cry-Tom posted not so long ago is basically this: SHUT UP! Now, i am not saying that you should. But do you really think they will come up with a patch, or an answer to any of the things u asked just because u spammed the **** out of them? I think not.

I've been a fan of this game from the start. And it hurts seeing it is to be so incredibly ignored. I can almost say raqed!
Crytek, i am seriously dissapointed. As Duke said, i WILL steer clear of your games in the future if we won't get any answers. If you give us answers. I'll make sure i read it. And support you guys if need be. Because the game you made was awesome! But the support afterward was a discrace to the gaming industry itself. Deadline or not, this thing should've been GOOD, you had a good 4 months to provide a fix. Or to AT LEAST provide answers.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:17 am

if that's the only thing u have to say then why even come here?
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Lucie H
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:17 pm

I will just lock this topic so this message can still be read.

@Duke - i'd really like to keep these forums a place where people can speak their mind, good or bad about Crytek and Crysis. This is required for any real discussion to happen. However these posts continue to spam the forum (I don't think i need to mention spamming is not tolerated), and continue to spread wrong information while doing it;

* we're not deleting posts with complaints, we're deleting posts with spam and abuse.
* check the months again, you seem to have missed a huge amount of Crytek activity.

You have an open thread here: https://secure.gamesas.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=40850 in which you can continue to post about this issue, and 'bump' daily, feel free to speak your mind and discuss the situation with other members.

Any further threads you make on the same topic, saying the same thing, and continuing to spread incorrect information will be deleted, and your account may be suspended for blatantly ignoring community rules.

We want to keep gamesas as a friendly, civil place where users can speak their minds. Not a spam filled board of blind abuse.
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