Hm, wait do you mean meleeing someone in a slide is a insta incap??
If you meant someone thats knockdowned, then yeah I knew that, but the smart series claim the knock downed opponents are Instakills when melee, not just incap
Hm, wait do you mean meleeing someone in a slide is a insta incap??
If you meant someone thats knockdowned, then yeah I knew that, but the smart series claim the knock downed opponents are Instakills when melee, not just incap
Downed: knocked prone from grenade or melee Incapped: final stand from losing all health
Meleeing a downed enemy will incap them. Then a melee on a incap will kill them (to the spawn wave)
Well yes and no since I plan to run drognav and hockler. I can be effective at all ranges but when it comes to close work machine pistol and knife ftw!
Do you actually have a knife when using a Machine Pistol? I was under the impression that a knive comes with Pistols only.
Alot harder to knife someone if theyr aware, If you catch someone unaware you'll be better of slide attacking and then meleeing tbh.
That's the best way to use the knive, really, as it is faster than the gunbutt. So it probably readies faster as well, after tackling someone.
Revolver Semi auto Fully auto (machine pistol) for example Hockler.
Machine Pistols are bigger than Pistols, though, and could be used for melee easier than a Pistol, methinks. Thus the question if they give you the knife as well...
Machine Pistols are bigger than Pistols, though, and could be used for melee easier than a Pistol, methinks. Thus the question if they give you the knife as well...
Devs said you use a pistol you get the knife. Now SMG and higher is gunbutt.
Machine Pistols are bigger than Pistols, though, and could be used for melee easier than a Pistol, methinks. Thus the question if they give you the knife as well...
They are held in one hand like a pistol - differentiating themselves from SMGs - and allowing a free hand to contain a knife.
Machine pistol is a broad term. Why isnt the mp9 considered a machine pistol then?
That's irrelevant (why are Uzi's considered SMGs in CoD) - the fact that they're termed it a machine pistol instead of an SMG means that you're wrong (and you know it)
That's irrelevant (why are Uzi's considered SMGs in CoD) - the fact that they're termed it a machine pistol instead of an SMG means that you're wrong (and you know it)
I dont know it sorry. mp9 = machine pistol 9. According to brinks logic it should be a secondary.
It really depends what kind of pistols we get. If there's a pistol with fast rate of fire, it could be used a finish-off weapon from range. Having the knife could open up some possibilities without sacrifacing potential knockdowns by using 2-handed primary weapon.
I'm curious i know that no one will probably know but i may as well ask. But will we be able to run around with a pistol as a primary and a pistol as a secondary?
I'm curious i know that no one will probably know but i may as well ask. But will we be able to run around with a pistol as a primary and a pistol as a secondary?
I'm curious i know that no one will probably know but i may as well ask. But will we be able to run around with a pistol as a primary and a pistol as a secondary?
Afaik it's not, because in all the footage I've seen so far, Pistols did only appear in the secondaries tab.
Damn would of been nice to be able to devote one character to pistols only. Guess I'll run and AR or SMG also i have not read the brink bible so i dont know yet i have kept my self in the dark as much as i can to keep a big surprise element to the game but. Will there be any semi auto guns besides the pistols? I know its off topic but i figured i would ask
So I was wondering if anyone is going to use the pistol the most while being a light body type? I know when you have a pistol you can knife people. I think you would have a pretty good advantage at doing so. Anyone else thinking about using the pistol more than the primary gun?
I will be using a pistol even though my character will be Medium, just for the ability to have a knife in close quarters.