2) I'm only early on in to the game but I have looked at the Trophies list...a lot of silly trophies which I don't see the point of. I Aced the trophies for the first game and liked that it was manageable. The sequel has just gone overboard in this department...and I generally find Trophies stupid anyway. Do you need to play Online to get 100% for your Trophies? If yes, that svcks too!
3) the inventory system is inferior to the original game. That was transparent...you could see what options you had and it was easy modifying weapons. Currently finding the inventory system and modifications baffling in Crysis 2...and I don't expect things to clear up either!
I'll suspend judgement on the game until (or if) I complete it. But the first game was a 'purer' FPS, which I liked (and I'm not really a fan of the FPS genre). Also preferred how in the first game you could unequip weapons. Also good how you could mod weapons right away...a Marine going into a combat zone without these options right away?
So far the sequel isn't living up to my expectations...but it took until the halfway mark of Uncharted 3 for that game to get good. We'll see...