When I say pixie ears I mean http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/p480x480/36499_420356361308096_188800427797025_1569979_1355167406_n.jpg and http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Ql7lwHIuzPI/T5hxLoOxIzI/AAAAAAAAAkI/Mk1AYH_q3d8/s1600/Illusions+Ears+Brownie.jpg. Terrible. Looks too "Wizard of Oz" fairy story. And yes, I have seen them looking like that in TES. If Beth wants to get away from that sort of stuff http://dkgoodman.com/blogpics/KirraFairy.jpg is more like it. More low fantasy, less silly looking.
How about no, because your suggestion looks incredibly boring. Dunmer are shady, xenophobic, self-severing bastards. Altmer are haughty, genocidal bastards. Bosmer are ritualistic cannibal bastards. The ears you suggested don't evoke any of those traits. The ears you suggest speak of a delicate, whimsical forest fairy who drinks from roses and eats leaves. It does not wear any clothes, and puts on a facade of Kyne, thinking itself Her most favored. It is wrong in this and will shortly be consumed by the merciless forces of nature. Kyne will burp, and go back to sleep with Her boyfriend named Hairy Giant.
Of course, none of these things are universal. That's just how the ones from their homelands tend to be.