» Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:15 pm
Grilled Chicken, Bacon, Tomatoes, and Cheddar.
Pepperoni, Basil, Green Olives, and Fresh Mozzarella.
More important than the toppings is how the crust is prepared. Oregano, Chives, and Rosemary should be mixed into the flour. Oil your pan with Olive Oil and then spread the dough. Once spread, flip the dough so that both sides (and the outer crust) have oil on them. Immediately after baking, take a fresh clove of garlic, slice it in half and rub it on the outer crust (the heat will activate the flavor and the abrasion will hold small garlic pieces onto the crust). Magnifique!
EDIT: I once asked my siblings what they wanted me to order from the local pizza place. They all responded with one word answers: "Sauce", "Meat", "Pizza", and "Cheese". They were horrified (as was the employee of the pizza place) when I placed an order for a "Saucy Meat Pizza with Cheese".