PIZZAAAAA. Oh and i have questionnssss helppppp

Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 5:23 am

This is a stupid thread and im sorry but theres just no point on telling crytek the problems with the game and i pretty much ranted about all my problems with it on other posts. So right now im eating pizza. EPIC. anyways I acctually have some real questions tho. umm ive noticed ive been playing with people for a while now who have been shooting the grendel in full auto. Is this a hack? If you shoot while your in stealth and your using stealth enhance three do you still lose all your energy? Why do i still have a shadow while in stealth when using stealth enhance 2? What camos are there for each gun? Whats your best map? Mine is either skyline, pier 17, terminal, or evac zone. When in armor i still die from grenades?? Isnt there supposed to be a assault scope for the scarab? In total, with armor on, how much life do you accutally have? Ive always thought it was 170 because i thought armor gave you 50 more health, is this true? Thanks for whoever answers.
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joseluis perez
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:09 am

Never seen the Grendel full-auto...ever.. you sure it is not some other weapons or perhaps someone is using single-shot with modded controller or something.. dunno.

Armor does f*** all on this game against grenades. The thing is that naturally when a grenades land next to you then your immediate reaction is too armor up but the armoring process takes 1-2 secs even when it shows on your screen that you are in armor mode. So you armor up, the grenade explodes and you're like WTF!! and the killcam shows you were in armor mode but it wasnt really activated. It's a lame system.

This is why people complain that armor svcks because they armor up before a fight and get mowed down by Feline and then dont know why the died so fast because it wasnt working yet. It should be instant like cloak. Another reason why armor is worthless and I never use it.
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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:48 am

I use armor but only to get out of cloak and no it was the grendel the same guy killed me many times and no on the killcam it showed his modules and his attachements, he wasnt using semi auto. Probably using modded controller or something. You know what i dont get? this game was perfect in the demo or beta or whatever you want to call it but now it svcks. I mean seriously i had not one problem with the demo/beta and armor worked great with that and so did stealth! Does anyone know why they didnt just keep it like the beta/demo?
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:12 pm

The demo/beta worked beautifully.. no issues whatsoever except for a few weapon/killstreak imbalances which they've fixed.

This game is the most glitchy, buggy, inconsistent and crashy game I've ever played but I still love it even when I have to restart my xbox almost ever game because it crashes.
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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:20 am

ikr it is extremely glitchy. The beta was so much better, i hope they soon make it like the beta soon
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:17 pm

Honestly, I think Armor mode as Kazakage said is fairly pointless unless you can anticipate a fire fight with more than 1 other person. Even though I have the habit of armoring up when the grenade icon appears, you're more than likely better off just sprinting briefly and power sliding away from it...
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lillian luna
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:17 am

I use the Grendel (and scar and FY) in semi-auto fire very frequently. I imagine it kinda causes a lot of WTF moments for other players because they sound significantly different. I think I'm the ONLY person I've ever seen in matchmaking using the semi-auto fire modes. Hell, with the limited player population I might have been the one shooting at you :P

The The Grendel and scar have very fast semi-auto rates of fire. Both are only slightly slower than the scar on Full auto. Sometimes I think the FY actually has a faster ROF in single than auto, It's very close.

I have had a lot of success lately, particularly with the Grendel. With the mild semi-auto damage bump, and less damage drop with distance, low recoil and almost no spread... It's a beast.

The scar is exceptionally precise at range in S-A fire, and it feels like it has an almost pistol-like hip-fire as well.

If I recall, the Grendel doesn't explicitly state "semi-auto" in the customization menus or kill-cams like the other weapons do. However if there is nothing listed for the secondary fire-mode the weapon is equipped with semi-auto fire.


Nothing listed for the 'under barrel' accessory group I mean. Extended magazines eliminate semi-auto. It can be used with barrel or sight accessories.
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