please, can someone help me?
i need to place an activator orb and a xmarker to teleport myself there...i can place the orb correctly but i cant place the marker! all of this via scripted spell, in-game.
i′ve tried everything!!!
please, can someone help me?
i need to place an activator orb and a xmarker to teleport myself there...i can place the orb correctly but i cant place the marker! all of this via scripted spell, in-game.
i′ve tried everything!!!
Try an xmarker activator instead of a plain xmarker.
Are you trying to make something like this?
I used a dwemer gear as target teleport. When I cast the spell, I used the MoveTo() function to move the player on top of the dwemer gear.
that could actually help...thats exactly what im trying to do, but via spell, anywhere in the map it should be way more easier to do so with an object like that. If i manage somehow to remove collision so npcs dont hit it...thanks!
pd: do i have your permission to release a similar thing in my mod?
actually, its this one