scn CicadaKnockdownScriptfloat timershort GunFiredbegin OnFire if (GunFired == 0) set GunFired to 1 endifendbegin gamemodeif GunFired != 0 if ( timer < 2.4166 ) set timer to timer + getSecondsPassed else set GunFired to 0 player.placeatme CicadaKnockbackActivator 1 100 0 ShowMessage CidadaKnockdownTestMessage endifendifend
The PlaceAtMe object is placed, and its simple little PushActorAway and MarkForDelete command work as intended. However, the PlaceAtMe command in the actual object script on the gun... isn't. It places the activator object directly at the player's position. I want it to appear a distance in front of the player since making the pushed actor and push source be the same thing just throws the actor up into the air, I want the force to go backwards.
The syntax for PlaceAtMe is as follows accordign to the Wiki:
[Object].PlaceAtMe ObjectID:ref Count:int Distance:float Direction:int{0, 1, 2, 3}
I seem to have the parameters all placed correctly: calling ref is Player, objectID is the kickback activator, count is 1, distance is 100, and position is 0 (forward from calling ref). However, as I sad, it just plops it right at the player position and then kicks the player up into the air.
So what's going on? Why is it not working?
EDIT: Dammitsomuch... I just read the notes that the distance and direction parameters don't work.
Anyone have any alternative ideas? I'll use NVSE if that's the only choice, but would rather keep it NVSE-less if I can.